Übersetzung für "a décollé de" auf englisch
A décollé de
took off from
Il y a 27 ans, le vaisseau spatial AUBE, acronyme de Astronef Uranique à Bombardement Einsteinien, a décollé de la Terre en direction de l'étoile Alpha Cassiopeiae, connue sous le nom de Schedar.
Twenty seven years ago, the spaceship "Dawn", which is a Russian acronym of "annihilator relativistic nuclear starship", took off from Earth towards Alpha Star in Cassiopeia Constellation, also known as Schedar.
Un jet privé a décollé de la Nouvelle-Orléans il y a 90 minutes pour Washington-Reagan.
Privately operated jet took off from New Orleans approximately 90 minutes ago, bound for Washington-Reagan.
On sait juste qu'il a décollé de Teterboro samedi, avec l'intention d'établir un nouveau record de vitesse.
All we know right now is that Dahl took off from Teterboro Saturday afternoon intending to set a transatlantic speed record in his jet.
Pour traverser l'Atlantique, Lindbergh a décollé de ces pistes.
Look, before Lindbergh could cross the Atlantic, he took off from one of those runways.
Mais c'était l'équipage du vol 107, quand il a décollé de Buffalo ce matin ?
But to the best of your knowledge, that was the crew of flight 107 when they took off from buffalo at 11:30 this morning? To the best of my knowledge.
Le vol a décollé de l'aéroport de Lakefront.
Flight took off from Lakefront Airport.
On a décollé de l'aéroport de Flagstaff qui fait aussi salon de coiffure et garage.
We took off from the Flagstaff Airport, Hair Care and Tire Center there.
M. Buckman a décollé de Houston à 10 h 22. Destination: les Bahamas.
Mr. Buckman took off from Houston at 10:22, destination the Bahamas.
On a décollé de New York, ils ont fermé Chicago, on a atterri ici.
We took off from New York, they closed Chicago, we landed here.
Un hélicoptère privé a décollé de l'héliport la nuit dernière avec trois hommes dedans, normalement pour un tour de visite, mais jamais revenus.
A private helicopter took off from the West 30th Street heliport last night with three men inside, supposedly for a pleasure tour, but never returned.
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