Übersetzung für "vertailulohko" auf englisch
Block Break: purkaa tai rikkoa esine, joka on päällekkäinen vertailulohkon kanssa.
Block Break: wipeout or break an object overlapped by a reference block.
Lohkon 35 peittokynnystledon ja vertailulohkon 313 tiedon perusteella jarjestetaan piilotet-tava data sopivaksi jarjestelylohkossa 36. provided on the basis of block 35 and reference block peittokynnystledon 313 to hide the information-data be fit jarjestelylohkossa 36.
On the basis of the masking threshold information by block 35 and the information provided by reference block 313, the data to be hidden is arranged to be appropriate in an arrangement block 36.
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