Übersetzung für "velvassa" auf englisch
Assignment 23.1 We reserve the right to assign or sub-contract any or all of our rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
Osapuolet vapautuvat velv
The parties shall be released from their duties and obligation to pay compensation if a breach or non-performance of duties is due to force majeure.
Historia kulkee mukana ja velv
History accompanies us and obligates future generations also in the spirit of the lyrics of a well-known song:
Asiakas vastaa osapuolen välisen sopimuksen mu- kaisten velv
The Customer is also responsible for complying with the obligations of this Agreement with respect to the resident.
Laissa voidaan ilmoituksenvaraiselle elinkeinotoiminnalle asettaa myös rajoituksia ja velv
Under the law, restrictions and obligations may also be imposed on commercial activities for which a notification is required.
Vapautus omien kulujen suorittamisesta, eli asianosaisen velv
With regard to the exemption from bearing one’s own expenses, i.e. the obligation of another party or the authority whose decision has been challenged to bear these costs in full or in part, the circumstances of the case are tried by the court on a case-by-case basis.
Toisessa väitteessään komissio arvostelee kyseisestä jäsenvaltiota siitä, että tämä on jättänyt noudattamatta mainittuja velv
By its second complaint, the Commission alleges that that Member State failed to comply with those obligations by granting under that Law to the President of the Republic, in breach of the principle of judicial independence, the discretion to extend, twice, each time for a 3-year term, the period of judicial activity of judges of the Sąd Najwyższy (Supreme Court) beyond the newly fixed retirement age.
Jos kriisinratkaisuviranomainen vähentää nollaan velan pääoman tai maksamatta olevan määrän 63 artiklan 1 kohdan e alakohdassa tarkoitettuja valtuuksia käyttäen, kyseinen velka ja kaikki siitä johtuvat velv
Where a resolution authority reduces to zero the principal amount of, or outstanding amount payable in respect of, a liability by means of the power referred to in point (e) of Article 63(1), that liability and any obligations or claims arising in relation to it that are not accrued at the time when the power is exercised shall be treated as discharged for all purposes, and shall not be provable in any subsequent proceedings in relation to the institution under resolution or any successor entity in any subsequent winding up.
Sen mukaisesti kuin Yhdysvaltojen laissa Lasten yksityisyyden suojasta verkossa, jota sovelletaan alle 13 -vuotiasta lasta koskeviin tietoihin, säädetään, mikäli henkilö, jonka tiedämme olevan alle 18-vuotias, lähettää meille henkilökohtaisia tietoja, emme säilytä sellaisia tietoja. Voimme kuitenkin käyttää tietoja täyttääksemme velv
Consistent with the United States Children's Online Privacy Protection Act which applies to information of children under 13 years of age, should an individual whom we know to be under 18 send personal information to us, we will not retain such information except that, in certain instances, we will use that information to satisfy our obligations to follow up on product comments or complaints and we will respond directly to the individual to inform him or her that we do not accept personal information from persons under 18.
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