Übersetzung für "avioero" auf englisch
Lapset ja avioero.
Children and Divorce.
Pari päätyy avioeroon.
The couple would divorce.
Jussi on ottanut avioeron.
Alves is divorced.
Avioliitto ajautui avioeroon.
Consequently, the marriage was divorced.
Varsinaista avioeroa ei ollut.
Divorces were non-existent.
Vuonna 1904 avioero toteutui.
In 1907 they were divorced.
Suhde kuitenkin päättyi avioeroon.
The relationship ended in divorce.
Jungnerit hakevat avioeroa Iltalehti.
Porsche then demands a divorce.
Avioero toteutui vuonna 1954.
They were divorced in 1954.
Avioero oli tuntematon.
Whether they were ever divorced is unknown.
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