Übersetzung für "yearningly" auf spanisch
His eyes are open, and he gazes into the garden, yearningly.
Mira al jardín con los ojos bien abiertos, ansiosamente.
He was completing his second year of duty on Earth and waited yearningly for replacement.
Era el segundo año que pasaba destacado en la Tierra, y esperaba ansiosamente el momento del traslado.
And Neewa, far up the creek, still followed hopefully and yearningly over the trail of Miki.
Por su parte, Niva, remontando el curso del arroyo, buscaba ansiosamente al amado Miki.
(Blood of the Lamb, Died for Your Sins …) He looked yearningly behind him, where the first people to leave were already sending a slap of cold air into the room.
(Sangre del Cordero, murió por vuestros pecados...) Miró ansiosamente hacia atrás, donde los primeros en irse dejaban entrar una corriente de aire fresco.
And once again she turned and looked yearningly toward the cottage.
Y otra vez se dio vuelta y miró con ansias la inclinación de la pendiente.
Filch looked yearningly up the stairs, right through Harry, who could see that he was very reluctant to forgo the chance of cornering Peeves.
Filch miró con ansia escaleras arriba, hacia Harry. Evidentemente, se resistía a renunciar a aquella oportunidad de acorralar a Peeves.
If I’d had money and security and you, that would have been where I wanted to get, she thought, looking at him yearningly. But she did not speak the words, fearful of breaking the spell that lay between them, fearful that his mind would close against her.
«Si tuviera dinero, y seguridad, y a ti -pensó, mirándole con ansia-, habría llegado adonde deseaba ir.» Pero no pronunció las palabras, temerosa de romper el encanto que reinaba entre ellos, temerosa de que su mente se cerrase para ella.
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