Übersetzung für "witnesses testified" auf spanisch
Witnesses testified
Fifty witnesses testified over 66 trial days.
Cincuenta testigos declararon a lo largo de 66 días de juicio.
2.3 During the trial, several witnesses testified that they had seen the author and his brother on the main road in the evening of 5 August.
2.3 Durante el juicio, varios testigos declararon que habían visto al autor y a su hermano en la carretera en la tarde del 5 de agosto.
Several witnesses testified that, upon arrest, they had been beaten and badly mistreated.
Varios testigos declararon que, tras haber sido arrestados, habían sido golpeados y duramente maltratados.
A total of 43 witnesses testified in the course of 42 trial days.
En total, 43 testigos declararon durante 42 días de juicio.
Witnesses testified that facilities at Lavan Island were far less developed than those at Kharg Island.
Algunos testigos declararon que las instalaciones de la isla Lavan eran más precarias que las de la isla Kharg.
Other witnesses testified that they had seen her falling out of the window but that they had not seen anyone push her.
Otros testigos declararon que la habían visto caer de la ventana pero no habían visto que alguien la empujara.
37. Two witnesses testified to having seen army deserters who had had an ear cut off and had been branded on the forehead.
Dos testigos declararon haber visto a desertores del ejército con una oreja cortada y con una marca en la frente.
In all, 53 witnesses testified over 49 trial days.
En total, 53 testigos declararon durante 49 días de juicio.
Six witnesses testified by way of a video link and two gave evidence by way of deposition.
Seis testigos declararon mediante una videoconferencia y dos presentaron una deposición escrita.
So far throughout the trial, approximately half of the witnesses testified pursuant to Rule 92 ter of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
Hasta ahora, aproximadamente la mitad de los testigos declararon de conformidad con la regla 92 ter de las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba.
Witnesses testified either that they were out working with him, pouring the concrete, or they were in the house watching Divorce Court from 3:00 to 3:30 and saw Steve Avery immediately afterwards.
Los testigos declararon haber estado trabajando con él, vertiendo el cemento, o bien en la casa, mirando Juzgado de divorcios de 3.00 a 3.30, y haber visto a Steve Avery inmediatamente después.
A number of witnesses testified that your husband and Noelle Page attempted to kill you.
Varios testigos declararon que tu marido y Noelle Page habían tratado de asesinarte.
The defendant pleaded that he had only unwittingly committed that insult to almighty Allah, but other witnesses testified that he was an incorrigible blasphemer.
El acusado alegó que ese insulto al todopoderoso Alá había sido involuntario; pero otros testigos declararon que el acusado era un blasfemo incorregible.
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