Übersetzung für "white-water rafting" auf spanisch
White-water rafting
‘All right.’ He babbles on about white-water rafting, says he fancies horse riding, wouldn’t mind having a go at bungee jumping.
—De acuerdo. Sigue parloteando sobre rafting en aguas bravas, dice que le gustaría montar a caballo y que no le importaría probar el banyi.
He went white-water rafting, and eventually mastered it well enough to become a guide.
He went white-water rafting, and eventually mastered it well enough to become a guide.
It matched Yves’s T-shirt from that first day: Wrickenridge White Water Rafting on the back.
It matched Yves’s T-shirt from that first day: Wrickenridge White Water Rafting on the back.
Mom and Dad are ski instructors in the winter and run a white water rafting school in the summer.
Mom and Dad are ski instructors in the winter and run a white water rafting school in the summer.
“Thank you. For white-water rafting, do you prefer a multi-day trip, with overnight camping, or a day trip?”
—Gracias. Cuando vas de rafting por aguas rápidas, ¿prefieres un viaje de varios días, acampando por las noches, o un viaje de un solo día?
Upon his return, he shared stories about the adventure before taking a trip to the mountains to go white-water rafting.
Upon his return, he shared stories about the adventure before taking a trip to the mountains to go white-water rafting.
He was wearing knee-length khaki shorts and a T-shirt with ‘Wrickenridge White Water Rafting’ running across his broad shoulders.
He was wearing knee-length khaki shorts and a T-shirt with ‘Wrickenridge White Water Rafting’ running across his broad shoulders.
Risk taking is not a stable personality trait, allowing us to assume that the person who would willingly take the physical risks of hunting (or white-water rafting or skydiving) would be a fearless CEO or trader.
El gusto por el riesgo no es un rasgo de personalidad estable que nos permita asumir que alguien que estaría dispuesto a correr el riesgo físico que implica la caza (o hacer rafting o tirarse en paracaídas) será a la vez un intrépido empresario o corredor de bolsa.
A woman’s voice, sounding like a newscaster’s, asked her, “For vacations, are you inclined toward one of relaxation, like a beach or luxury hotel, or are you inclined toward adventure, like a white-water rafting trip?”
Una voz de mujer, que parecía de presentadora de noticias, le preguntó: —Cuando vas de vacaciones, ¿prefieres ir a relajarte, tipo a una playa o a un hotel de lujo, o prefieres ir de aventura, como por ejemplo ir a hacer rafting por aguas rápidas?
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