Übersetzung für "wet clothes" auf spanisch
Wet clothes
Most of those kneeling were drenched by water from the blades of the helicopter and were thus also in wet clothing throughout this period and were very cold.
La mayor parte de los que estaban arrodillados resultaron empapados por el agua que levantaban las palas del helicóptero, de modo que pasaron todo ese rato con la ropa mojada y ateridos por el frío.
Blows with rifle-butts, whips, iron bars, wet cloth, etc.
Culatazos, latigazos, golpes con una barra de hierro, con ropa mojada, etc.
Take your wet clothes off.
Quítate tu ropa mojada.
Get these wet clothes off.
Quitadle la ropa mojada.
Wet clothes are heavy...
La ropa mojada es pesada...
- Take off your wet clothes.
- Quítate la ropa mojada.
- I hate wet clothes.
- Odio la ropa mojada.
I love the wet clothes!
- Adoro la ropa mojada.
Take off those wet clothes.
Quítese esa ropa mojada.
Shedding her wet clothes.
Se arrancó la ropa mojada.
It is better here with the wet clothes.
Aquí se está mejor con la ropa mojada».
the wringing-wet-clothes gesture;
el gesto de retorcer ropa mojada;
Do not enter the temple with wet clothes
No entren en el templo con la ropa mojada.
Her wet clothes grow heavy.
La ropa mojada le empieza a pesar.
Tall fellow with wet clothes.
Un tipo alto, con toda la ropa mojada.
You need to change out of those wet clothes.
—Tienes que quitarte esa ropa mojada.
Mallon's wet clothes had turned clammy.
La ropa mojada de Mallon se había puesto pegajosa.
Come into the house and change those wet clothes.
Véngase a mi casa para cambiarse la ropa mojada.
It brushed against his penis through the wet cloth.
Frotó su pene a través de la ropa mojada.
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