Übersetzung für "were too far" auf spanisch
At the moment we received the distress signal from the colony on Beta 12A, the Klingons were too far distant to have been the attackers.
Cuando recibimos la señal de alarma de la colonia en Beta XII-A los klingon estaban demasiado lejos para ser los atacantes.
They can't really afford to stop, I judged they were too far away.
No pueden permitirse el lujo de parar, creo que estaban demasiado lejos.
They were too far away to see the shooter's face, but they could tell it was a man.
Estaban demasiado lejos como para ver la cara del pistolero pero aseguran que era un hombre.
You know, I've always thought that the spatulas were too far from the stove.
Ya sabes, siempre pensé que las espátulas estaban demasiado lejos del horno.
But al-Hazen reasoned that the stars were too far distant for something in our eyes to travel all the way to them and back in the blink of an eye.
Pero al-Hazen razonó que las estrellas estaban demasiado lejos para que algo que sale de nuestros ojos recorriera todo el camino hasta ellas y volviera en un pestañeo.
They were too far away.
- Estaban demasiado lejos.
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