Übersetzung für "were officers" auf spanisch
This country has not been a stranger to my wife's parents, and indeed to our fathers - because they were officers of the Austrian army.
Este país no ha sido ajeno a los padres de mi esposa, y de hecho a nuestros padres - porque eran oficiales del ejército austríaco.
All of them were officers on the Okinawa when I was Leyton's X.O.
Eran oficiales de la Okinawa cuando yo era segundo de Leyon.
Two of the dead were officers by their sleeves.
Dos de los muertos eran oficiales;
After all, they were officers – British officers, you know – and they had a good standard of behaviour.
Después de todo, eran oficiales, oficiales británicos, ¿sabe usted?, y tenían una buena norma de conducta.
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