Übersetzung für "were gifts" auf spanisch
Pieter's colleagues have to sign this affidavit... stating the things were gifts.
Los colegas de Pieter tienen que firmar esta declaración jurada ... declarando que las cosas que eran regalos.
So these cars you bought, they were gifts, yeah?
Así que esos coches que usted compró, eran regalos, ¿no?
Jimmy, I thought you told me those were gifts for your old lady.
Jimmy, me dijiste que eran regalos para tu mamá.
They were gifts for me, for my birthday.
Eran regalos para mí, por mi cumpleaños.
The window and the statue were gifts from him.
La vidriera y la estatua eran regalos suyos.
Mona pretended that they were gifts from friends.
Mona decía que eran regalos de amigos.
They were gifts from well-traveled friends like me.
Eran regalos de amistades viajeras, como yo.
Well, they were gifts from my husband, so... no.
Bueno, fueron regalos de mi marido, así que... no.
Mm, they were gifts, from Stuart.
Mm, fueron regalos, de Stuart.
I think these were gifts.
Creo que fueron regalos.
Those were gifts to me from Paul Bowles!
Esos fueron regalos de Paul Bowles!
Picked some up and some were gifts.
Algunas las cogí, otras fueron regalos.
They were gifts for his son, weren't they?
Fueron regalos de su hijo, ¿verdad?
Some were rescued, some were gifts of foreign dignitaries.
Algunos fueron rescatados, otros fueron regalos de dignatarios extranjeros.
Those were gifts for our win at Sectionals.
Esos fueron regalos por nuestra victoria en la eliminatoria.
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