Übersetzung für "were dealing" auf spanisch
I think that's something our grandchildren will look back on with total disbelief. 'You people knew you were dealing with a finite commodity... how could you possibly have build your economy around something which was going to disappear?
Pienso que eso es algo que nuestros nietos mirarán hacia atrás con total incredulidad. 'Ustedes sabían que estaban tratando con un bien limitado... ¿Cómo pudieron construir su economía alrededor de algo que iba a desaparecer? '
They thought they were dealing with a bloody idiot.
Creían que estaban tratando con un maldito idiota.
Drug Store and his boys were dealing' out of it.
Droguería y sus chicos estaban tratando con eso.
I mean, the Richards were dealing with a whack job, here.
Los Richard estaban tratando con un tarado.
But they didn't realise, the conspirators, who they were dealing with.
Pero los conspiradores no se dieron cuenta con quién estaban tratando.
As I've explained, his vehicle was involved in another incident which some uniformed officers were dealing with...
Como ya he explicado, su vehículo se vio envuelto en otro incidente... con el que otros agentes uniformados estaban tratando...
You made them think they were dealing with colombian bomb but all the while, you were setting them up
- Les hiciste creer que estaban tratando con un bombardero colombiano - Pero todo el tiempo... tu lo establecías
They were dealing with a barney between a bloke and his wife.
estaban tratando de poner orden en una discusión entre un tipo y su mujer.
I had debts that bailiffs Lambert and Pascal were dealing with.
Tenía deudas de que los oficiales de justicia y Pascal Lambert estaban tratando.
Meanwhile, mouse and Sebastian were dealing with their own disappointments.
Mientras, Mouse y Sebastian estaban tratando con sus propias decepciones.
You had no idea with whom you were dealing!
¡No tenías ni idea de con quién estabas tratando!
Did you think you were dealing with a fool?
¿Acaso creías que estabas tratando con un ignorante?».
Important that they really knew whom they were dealing with.
Era importante que comprendieran de verdad con quién estaban tratando.
Were they stupid? Didn’t they get who they were dealing with?
¿Eran idiotas? ¿No se daban cuenta de con quién estaban tratando?
They were dealing with a man whose brilliance overlapped his psychosis.
Estaban tratando con un hombre cuya brillantez se sobreponía a su psicosis.
That way the viewer could never lapse into forgetting that they were dealing with a machine.
De esa forma, el espectador no podría olvidar que estaba tratando con una máquina.
There is also a longer sentence applicable now if the offence is committed by an organised criminal group; (and) a penalty (to be imposed) on the (trafficked person's) service users if they have known or could have known that they were (dealing) with a victim of human trafficking.
También se ha fijado una pena más prolongada si el delito es cometido por un grupo criminal organizado, y se castigará a los usuarios de los servicios de una persona objeto de trata, si sabían o podrían haber sabido que esa persona era víctima de trata.
We're pretty sure we know what were dealing with here.
Estamos bastante seguros de saber de qué se trata este caso.
Yes. Well, the tribal law angle mightwork... if you were dealing with tribal people in a tribal area.
Bueno, la ley tribal puede funcionar... si se trata de gente tribal en una zona tribal.
Given what we found downstairs, I'd say that we were dealing with a stalker.
Dado lo que hemos encontrado bajo las escaleras, diría que se trata de un acosador.
But I can tell you that when were dealing with the mind, anything is possible.
Pero te diré que todo es posible cuando se trata de la mente.
“You knew we were dealing with a light-sail propulsion system, sir?”
—Ya sabe que se trata de un sistema de propulsión basado en la luz, ¿no?
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