Übersetzung für "wedge in" auf spanisch
Wedge in
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An amazed query tried to wedge into her mind.
Una asombrada pregunta trató de introducirse en su mente.
The Black saw Ephialtes come forward like a wild fury and wedge himself and his men into the Macedonian centre, which continued to lose ground.
El Negro vio a Efialtes avanzar como una furia e introducirse con los suyos en el centro macedonio que seguía retrocediendo.
With both men wedged tightly into the engine room, Welly decided to appear and ask if he was needed.
Cuando ambos hombres ya habían conseguido introducirse en la reducida sala de máquinas, Welly hizo acto de presencia y preguntó si lo necesitaban.
He switched his carapace back and forth to wedge himself deeper in his pit and rested, his hearing receptors watchful toward the water, his feelers drilled deep into the soil to listen for vibrations from any approaching Ghosts Below.
Movió el caparazón adelante y atrás para introducirse más en el interior del foso y descansó, manteniendo los receptores auditivos alerta y enfocados hacia el agua y metiendo las antenas en el suelo para captar las posibles vibraciones de cualquier Fantasma de Abajo que se aproximara.
Up the staircase to the second floor, then wedge into the narrow hallway between two bedrooms, then readjust positions so that the box, which was inevitably too big, could be shoved up the flimsy ladder through the opening to the attic. Coming down or going up, it didn’t matter.
Primero había que subir con la escalera hasta el piso de arriba y después introducirse en el estrecho pasillo que separaba dos dormitorios y modificar las posiciones para que las cajas, que inevitablemente eran demasiado grandes, se pudieran empujar hacia arriba, subiendo por la endeble escalera plegable de mano hasta conseguir introducirlas a través del escotillón del desván.
By my direction, however, the head of his unwieldy machine was so critically pointed that, feeling him foreright against the tender opening, a favourable motion from me met his timely thrust, by which the lips of it, strenuously dilated, gave way to his thus assisted impetuosity, so that we might both feel that he had gain'd a lodgement. Pursuing then his point, he soon, by violent, and, to me, most painful piercing thrusts, wedges himself at length so far in, as to be now tolerably secure of his entrance: here he stuck, and I now felt such a mixture of pleasure and pain, as there is no giving a definition of.I dreaded alike his splitting me farther up, or his withdrawing;I could not bear either to keep or part with him.The sense of pain however prevailing, from his prodigious size and stiffness, acting upon me in those continued rapid thrusts, with which he furiously pursu'd his penetration, made me cry out gently:"Oh!
Gracias a mi colaboración, sin embargo, la cabeza de esa ponderosa máquina estaba tan bien apuntada que sintiendo su parte delantera contra el tierno orificio, un movimiento mío hizo frente a su oportuno impulso, y los labios extremadamente dilatados cedieron ante su impetuosidad, de modo que ambos pudimos sentir que había logrado asomarse a la entrada. Continuando con sus esfuerzos, pronto logró introducirse tanto como para estar tolerablemente seguro de su situación, mediante violentos y para mí dolorosos impulsos; allí quedó atascado y yo sentí una mezcla de placer y dolor imposibles de definir.
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