Übersetzung für "was curate" auf spanisch
That was how the curate of the parish of Kasika, a monk, some nuns, some Protestant evangelists and Mwami Kalenga, Chief of the tribal area of Lwindi, together with his entire family were killed, some with bullets and others by having bayonets and machetes plunged into their stomachs and heads.
El cura de la parroquia de Kasika, un religioso, monjas, evangelistas protestantes y el Mwami Kalenga, Jefe de la Colectividad - Jefatura de Lwindi, y toda su familia fueron asesinados; unos a balazos, otros con bayonetas o a machetazos en el vientre y en la cabeza.
The trouble was the curate.
El problema residía en el cura.
The curate popped perspiration.
El cura expelía gotas de sudor.
The curate would not let him be.
El cura no le dio tregua.
But we had not met Philip’s curate.
Pero no conocíamos al cura de Philip.
"Are you better?" asked the curate in a whisper.
—¿Está mejor?—me preguntó el cura en voz muy baja.
For a time the curate was silent, and then he whispered:
Durante un momento estuvo el cura en silencio; luego murmuró:
The burglar seemed quite as kind and human as the curate was– and he was also brave and self-reliant, which the curate was not.
El ladrón no parecía ser un ápice menos bondadoso y humano que el cura, y era, además, valiente y seguro de sí mismo, condiciones que el cura no tenía.
“Don’t try to understand now,” the curate had urged.
—No intentes comprenderlo —dijo el cura.
People call me the Curate.” “Why?” “I don’t know.
N'hombre, todos me llaman el Cura. – ¿Por qué? – No sé.
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