Übersetzung für "to attempt" auf spanisch
I will not attempt to do so.
No lo intentaré yo.
taking, or attempting to take hostages;
:: Tomar o intentar tomar rehenes;
An attempt is made in this chapter to describe these needs and requirements.
En este capítulo se intentará exponer esas necesidades.
- Attempt to commit any of the foregoing acts.
- Intentar cometer cualesquiera de los actos antes mencionados.
(a) Causing or attempting to cause death
a) Para causar o intentar causar la muerte
Attempt to commit such offences
Intentar cometer esos delitos;
The Commission will first attempt to conciliate the complaint.
La Comisión intentará primero que se llegue a una conciliación.
Why attempt the impossible?
¿Por qué intentar lo imposible?
“I will attempt to find out.”
Intentaré calcularlo.
Why attempt to do such a thing?
¿Por qué intentar algo así?
I won't attempt to deny that.'
no intentaré negarlo.
      "I will attempt to be 'adequate.'
Intentaré ser «adecuada».
Why attempt such a thing then?
—En ese caso, ¿para qué intentar algo así?
Attempt, but never achieve.
Intentar, pero nunca alcanzar.
“You should not attempt to be what you are not.”
No tendríais que intentar ser lo que no sois.
I won’t attempt to describe them.
no intentaré describirla.
The act also provides that it is an offence to inoculate or attempt to inoculate a child with various matters or to produce or attempt to produce the disease of smallpox in any such child.
187. Asimismo, la ley considera delito vacunar o tratar de vacunar a un niño con varias sustancias o producirle o tratar de producirle la enfermedad de la viruela.
communicated, or attempting or intending to communicate
haberse comunicado con las Naciones Unidas o tratar o proyectar comunicar
The Bureau would attempt to schedule such a meeting.
La Mesa tratará de programar una reunión de este tipo.
The country programme will attempt to address this issue.
El programa del país tratará de solucionar esa cuestión.
It was therefore necessary to attempt to understand the essence of the problem.
En consecuencia, es necesario tratar de comprender la esencia del problema.
The Government was advised to attempt to reformulate the arrangement.
Se recomendó al gobierno que tratara de reformular el arreglo.
Attempts must be made to understand the causes of terrorism.
16. Hay que tratar de entender las causas del terrorismo.
Again, it is necessary to attempt to determine why that arose.
De nuevo, es necesario tratar de determinar cuál ha sido la causa.
Cooperating with the Government in its attempts to settle conflicts.
c) Colaborar con el Gobierno para tratar de resolver los conflictos.
There is therefore little merit in attempts to cover such transfers.
Por consiguiente, no tiene mucho sentido tratar de abarcar esas transferencias.
I'm going to attempt to rock talk into Toki's mind.
Voy a tratar de sacudir la mente de Toki.
We're going to try to attempt to make contact now.
Ahora vamos a tratar de hacer contacto.
You intend to attempt the voyage to Davy Jones' Locker.
Quieren tratar de hacer el viaje a los dominios de Davy Jones.
It would be foolish of you to attempt to stop me.
Sería tonto por tu parte tratar de detenerme.
I'm going to attempt to open the wound to gain access
Voy a tratar de abrir la herida para acceder a la arteria.
We are now going to attempt to make contact.
Vamos a tratar de contactar con ellos.
He's going to attempt to convince her to stop the waves.
Él va a tratar de convencerla de que pare esas olas.
I'm going to attempt to clone Fry's dog...
Voy a tratar de clonar al perro de Fry.
However, I am willing to attempt to retrieve the data.
Sin embargo, estoy dispuesta a tratar de recuperar esos datos.
Who forbade you, or anyone, to attempt to treat him?
¿Quién te prohíbio, o alguien, tratar de tratarlo?
One was “attempting,” as in “attempting to cut off the head of its Chief of Police.”
Una de las palabras era «tratar de», en la frase «tratar de cortarle la cabeza a su jefe provincial».
“As if attempting to conceal itself?”
—¿Cómo si tratara de encubrirse?
Why not attempt to kill you both?
¿Por qué no tratar de mataros a ambos?
Suddenly it was quite useless attempting to pray;
De pronto era inútil tratar de rezar;
I can only attempt to imagine.
Sólo puedo tratar de imaginarlo.
I asked, in an attempt to make amends.
le pregunté para tratar de arreglar las cosas.
To attempt to get past them would be suicidal.
Tratar de pasar junto a ellos sería un suicidio.
The other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence.
El otro tratará de repeler el hechizo, también en silencio.
Meaningless attempts to try to make her understand.
Esfuerzos inútiles por tratar de que ella le comprendiera.
Then it was his turn to attempt to get her off me.
Entonces le tocó a él tratar de separarla de mí.
An attempt shall be made to identify and analyse the factors associated with effectiveness and impact.
Se procurará individualizar y analizar los factores vinculados con la efectividad y los efectos.
2. This report will attempt to keep that promise.
2. El presente informe procurará mantener esa promesa.
You will attempt to keep in contact with me.
Procurará mantenerse en contacto conmigo.
Part of our intention is to ensure that they don’t attempt to steal the find from us.”
En parte, nuestra intención es procurar que no intenten robarnos nuestro hallazgo.
‘Is that all?’ Bianchini asked, making no attempt to disguise the surprise in his voice and on his face. ‘I think so.
—¿Ya está? —preguntó Bianchini sin procurar enmascarar su sorpresa. —Eso creo.
But I had to make an attempt to get the man to talk, and to prevent myself from laughing at all costs.
Pero tenía que esforzarme para hacer hablar a ese hombre, y sobre todo tenía que procurar no echarme a reír.
The first attempts to use alcohol and tobacco usually occur at 11 years of age or earlier.
Casi siempre a los 11 años o antes intentan por primera vez probar el alcohol y el tabaco.
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