Übersetzung für "time in bed" auf spanisch
I spend most of my time in bed.
Me paso la mayor parte del tiempo en la cama.
"I did spend far too much time in bed," she snapped.
—He pasado demasiado tiempo en la cama —replicó ella—.
Perhaps it was the gravity again, after so long a time in bed.
Quizás era de nuevo la gravedad, después de pasar tanto tiempo en la cama—.
“I’ve never met anyone who spent so much time in bed.
—Jamás he conocido a nadie que pasara tanto tiempo en la cama.
They stayed at the Ritz and spent almost as much time in bed as they had on their honeymoon.
Se alojaron en el Ritz y se pasaron casi tanto tiempo en la cama como durante su luna de miel.
Though Elrood spent as much time in bed now as ever, it was for an entirely different reason.
Si bien pasaba tanto tiempo en la cama como antes, era por un motivo muy diferente.
The way she'd been spending so much time in bed, the way she seemed so sad.
Pasaba tanto tiempo en la cama y parecía tan triste.
It seems natural for Hester and Diddy, like the animals, to spend more time in bed.
Parece natural que Hester y Diddy, como los animales, pasen más tiempo en la cama.
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