Übersetzung für "those of are" auf spanisch
However, within this overall picture, there has also been progress in some of those areas.
Sin embargo, dentro de ese panorama ha habido progresos en algunas áreas.
Those areas were all situated in the north-eastern part of the Pacific.
Todas esas áreas estaban situadas en la parte nororiental del Pacífico.
Teachers with knowledge of local dialects are assigned to teach students in those areas.
Los profesores con conocimiento de los dialectos locales son destinados a esas áreas.
It was necessary to seek areas of overlap among those positions.
Es preciso encontrar áreas de conciliación entre esas posiciones.
It is expected that the Mission’s 1999 activities will continue to focus on those areas.
Se prevé que las actividades de la Misión en 1999 seguirán centrándose en esas áreas.
(b) Identify those areas where coordination needs to be enhanced;
b) Que determine en qué áreas se debe mejorar la coordinación;
All those areas had previously been the preserve of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
Todas estas áreas eran anteriormente competencia del Ministerio Público.
Those are different.
Those are different.
Those are Seguleh!
Those are Seguleh!
Those are councils!
Those are councils!
Those are defensive.
Those are defensive.
Those are monitors;
Those are monitors;
Those are missiles,”
“Those are missiles,”
Are those bruises?
Are those bruises?
Those are builders,
Those are builders,
Are those Jentari?
Are those Jentari?
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