Übersetzung für "they subjected to" auf spanisch
The author was furthermore subjected to a fake execution.
Además, lo sometieron a un simulacro de ejecución.
I was also beaten and subjected to psychological pressure.
También me golpearon y sometieron a presión sicológica.
They subjected us to their laws, we saw them claiming our land.
Ellos nos sometieron a sus leyes, nosotros les vimos disponer de nuestras tierras.
The Armenians subjected him to cruel beatings, hit him on the head repeatedly so he went out of his mind and subjected him to humiliation and torture.
Los armenios lo sometieron a crueles palizas, le golpearon repetidas veces en la cabeza hasta que enloqueció y lo sometieron a humillaciones y tortura.
For practical reasons, such contract extensions were not subject to bidding.
Por razones prácticas, esas prórrogas de contrato no se sometieron a licitación.
During the course of the day, they were subjected to lethal beatings.
A lo largo del día los sometieron a palizas mortales.
(a) The following programme elements were subjected to substantive discussions:
a) Los siguientes elementos del programa se sometieron a debates sustantivos:
and subjected them to serfdom.
y las sometieron a la esclavitud.
She was subjected to this type of interrogation several times.
La sometieron varias veces a este tipo de interrogatorio.
The two remaining ones have been the subject of public consultation.
Las dos restantes se sometieron a consulta pública.
I was not subjected to physical abuse.
No me sometieron a ningún castigo físico.
The child was subjected to neurological tests, CAT scans.
La sometieron a pruebas neurológicas, a tacs.
In the next room, they were subjected to a thorough body search.
En el siguiente cuarto los sometieron a un registro exhaustivo.
She was disconcerted when they were subjected to searches as well.
Quedó desconcertada cuando, además, los sometieron a duros registros.
The second, or was it the third night?, they subjected him to electric charges.
La segunda, ¿o fue la tercera noche?, lo sometieron a descargas eléctricas.
I still bear the scars of the ordeals the Salvatierra kids subjected me to.
Mi piel conserva cicatrices de aquellas «pruebas» a las que los Salvatierra me sometieron.
There they subjected him to a terrible beating from which he never really recovered.
Allí lo sometieron a una terrible paliza de la que nunca llegó a recuperarse del todo.
But at least she wasn’t subjected to any bizarre genetic tampering like Wolf.”
Pero por lo menos no la sometieron a ninguna disparatada alteración genética, como a Wolf.
They proceeded to use both to the full, and subjected Teruel to a relentless battering.
Utilizaron ambos al máximo y sometieron Teruel a un fuego de artillería continuado.
Clay was introduced as a friend from Washington, and was immediately subjected to an all-out cross-examination by the four.
Clay fue presentado como un amigo de Washington y las cuatro lo sometieron de inmediato a un interrogatorio implacable.
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