Übersetzung für "that laughing" auf spanisch
It makes one laugh to hear promises for the future vaccination of children in a country where preventative medicine and vaccination have attained one of the highest levels in the world, as it does to hear this announcement from a country where tens of millions of men, women and children have no medical care and where more children die for every 1000 live births than in Cuba.
Mueve a risa escuchar promesas futuras de vacunar niños en un país donde la medicina preventiva y la vacunación alcanzan los más altos niveles del mundo y se proclama desde un país donde decenas de millones de hombres, mujeres y niños carecen de asistencia médica y mueren más niños por cada mil nacidos vivos que en Cuba.
Later he suppressed a mischievous laugh and, without interrupting his reading, said `we have common enemies'.
Más adelante reprimió una risa traviesa, y exclamó sin interrumpir la lectura: `Tenemos enemigos comunes'.
The Chairperson: Thank God that the laugh is between the teeth and the tongue.
El Presidente (habla en inglés): Gracias a Dios que la risa está entre los dientes y la lengua.
I know that laugh.
Conozco esa risa.
Oh, God, that laugh.
¡Dios, esa risa!
There's that laugh again.
De nuevo esa risa.
That cocktail-party laugh, that barroom laugh, that diplomatic laugh, that worn-out laugh.
La risa del cóctel, la risa del bar, la risa diplomática, la risa gastada.
It was a laugh, a man’s laugh.
Era una risa, la risa de un hombre.
His laugh was nervous, but it was a laugh.
Su risa era nerviosa, pero era una risa—.
his laugh was a great laugh;
su risa era una risa amplia;
An odd laugh, but it was a laugh all the same.
Una risa extraña, pero risa al cabo.
A fractured, ragged laugh, but still a laugh.
Una risa resquebrajada, rota, pero risa al fin.
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