Übersetzung für "teeth clenched" auf spanisch
Our eyebrows are lowered, our eyes closed lips parched, teeth clenched...
Nuestras cejas están bajas, los ojos cerrados, labios resecos, dientes apretados...
Teeth clenched, his mentalis is crinkled.
Los dientes apretados, el mentoniano fruncido...
Whatever it was, the look on his face was hideous... his eyes glittering like those of a maniac... his lips drawn back, and his teeth clenched tight... his breath harsh and rapid.
Fuera lo que fuera, se veía espantoso... los ojos le brillaban como a un maniático... los labios hacia atrás y los dientes apretados... su aliento duro y rápido.
I don't think there's anyone who would disagree with me. And now the hardest thing is with our teeth clenched, to get our minds over the heartbreak, to defy our tears when our voices fail us.
Y ahora lo más difícil es, con nuestros dientes apretados, conseguir que nuestras mentes se recuperen del desengaño, para desafiar a las lágrimas cuando nuestras voces fracasen.
his jaw is tense, his teeth clenched.
su mandíbula está tensa, los dientes apretados.
Their hps were drawn back, their teeth clenched.
Tenían los labios contraídos y los dientes apretados.
Whistler worked silently, teeth clenched.
Whistler trabajaba silenciosamente, con los dientes apretados.
insisted Khardan, teeth clenched. “I will be there!”
—insistió Khardan con los dientes apretados—. ¡Estaré allí!
Hook wheeled in fury, teeth clenched.
Garfio giró frenéticamente, con los dientes apretados.
The boy stared at the sand, his teeth clenched.
El chico miraba la arena con los dientes apretados.
He stood up quickly, teeth clenched.
Se puso rápidamente en pie, con los dientes apretados.
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