Übersetzung für "tear-stained" auf spanisch
Her face was a tear-stained blur.
Su rostro era un borrón manchado de lágrimas.
The blood tears stained her cheeks.
Tenía las mejillas manchadas de lágrimas de sangre—.
She raised her tear-stained face.
– Levantó el rostro manchado de lágrimas-.
Claire stared at my swollen, tear-stained face.
Ella contempló mi rostro hinchado y manchado de lágrimas.
Twisp stared at the tear-stained face, fascinated.
Twisp contempló fascinado el rostro manchado de lágrimas.
THEY didn’t ask about the puffy eyes or the tear-stained pillows.
No me preguntaron por mis ojos hinchados ni por las almohadas manchadas de lágrimas.
Jude was shaking her tear-stained face at me.
Jude sacudía la cabeza, mirándome con la cara manchada de lágrimas.
There were tear stains on her face, though no tears were coming now.
Tenía la cara manchada de lágrimas, aunque ya no lloraba.
Harvey looked at Wendell's tear-stained face and trembling hands.
Harvey miró la cara de Wendell, manchada de lágrimas, y el temblor de sus manos.
Dark red hair tumbled round her cheeks, and she had evidently been crying bitterly, for her face was dirty and tear-stained.
el pelo rojo oscuro le caía por las mejillas y se notaba que había estado llorando amargamente, porque tenía la cara sucia y llena de lágrimas.
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