Übersetzung für "tame him" auf spanisch
But you cannot tame him.
Pero no puedes domarlo.
Twenty-seven stitches didn’t tame him.
Los veintisiete puntos tampoco lograron domarlo.
He was released, is running riot down the roads, while we all try to tame him.
Ha sido liberado y anda por los caminos mientras todos intentamos domarlo.
One who hoped to tame him (after his quest for Grey Ghost proved fruitless) was Alyn of Hull. Sheepstealer would have none of him.
Uno de los que intentaron domarlo (tras haber tratado en vano de encontrar a Fantasma Ceniciento) fue Alyn de la Quilla, pero el dragón no lo aceptó.
I have conquered him at last, she thought, but as his hands possessed her body wildly, she thought, But thank God I will never tame him.
«Por fin lo he conquistado —pensó, pero cuando sus manos la apretaron salvajemente añadió—: Pero gracias a Dios jamás conseguiré domarlo
Tracey’s affair struck me as a form of revenge upon all that: like watching a house cat capture a lion, tame him, treat him like a dog.
La aventura de Tracey me parecía una forma de venganza contra todo eso: como ver a un gato doméstico capturar a un león, domarlo, tratarlo como a un perro.
Only if I tamed him could I possibly trick him into dying first, if we had to come to that sorry business. But there’s more to it.
Sólo si conseguía domarlo podría engañarlo para que se muriera él primero, en el caso de llegar a semejante extremo lamentable. Pero aquí no se acaban mis motivos. Lo confieso.
The young general Ptolemy replied, "Master, this is the horse Bucephalus that your father the king caged because the beast is a vicious man-eater. No one can tame him, let alone ride him.
»El joven general Ptolomeo respondió: »—Señor, se trata del caballo Bucéfalo. Su padre lo ha encerrado porque la bestia es un asesino perverso de hombres. Es imposible domarlo y menos cabalgarlo;
Alex readily came across as polite, humble, and respectful, people in his inner circle often believed they had tamed him, had forged an intimate bond with him.
Alex solía mostrarse educado, humilde y respetuoso, los que se acercaban a él creían amansarlo, tejer con él un vínculo especial.
Bucephalas was a case in point: how to explain his having been able to mount that black demon and tame him at the first attempt as if he were a lamb?
¿Cómo explicar si no el hecho de que hubiera logrado al primer intento mantenerse sobre la grupa de aquel demonio negro al que luego había llamado Bucéfalo y amansarlo como a un corderillo?
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