Übersetzung für "submit them" auf spanisch
It is right to submit them to critical scrutiny as we would any public figure or social movement.
Es correcto someterlos al escrutinio crítico como se sometería a toda figura pública o movimiento social.
Cambacérès, in fact, thought Napoleon too circumspect in regard to the Council, and complained that it was difficult to get him to sign purely administrative decrees without first submitting them to the Council’s vote.
En realidad, Cambacérés opinaba que Napoleón se mostraba excesivamente circunspecto frente al Consejo, y se quejaba de que era difícil conseguir que firmase decretos meramente administrativos sin someterlos antes a la votación del Consejo.
It would be better for him to ruin one of his eyes than to submit them both to that machine, to those lenses that wanted to stare into his skull, to count, for some reason of idiots, the ridges on the back of his skull from the inside, counting them through his eyes, his sensitive eyes.
Sería preferible para él destrozar uno de sus ojos a someterlos los dos a aquella máquina, a aquellas lentes que deseaban escudriñar su cabeza para registrar, por algún estúpido motivo, los bordes de la parte posterior de su cráneo desde el interior, registrarlo a través de sus ojos, de sus sensibles ojos.
But to get back to the grand plan … Since I was convinced that I could write about anything under the sun, and excitingly, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to make up a list of themes which I thought of interest and submit them to editors of magazines in order that they might select what appealed to them.
Pero volviendo al gran plan… Como estaba convencido de que podía escribir de cualquier cosa bajo el sol, y de modo apasionante, parecía la cosa más natural del mundo confeccionar una lista de temas que consideraba de interés y someterla a los directores de revistas para que seleccionaran los que les gustasen.
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