Übersetzung für "seeme" auf spanisch
-You seem surprised to see me.
- Te sorprende verme.
You seem startled to see me.
Parecéis sorprendida de verme.
No one seemed to see me.
Nadie parecía a verme.
He seemed... overjoyed to see me.
Pareció encantado de verme.
You seem surprise to see me.
Pareces sorprendida de verme.
You seem perplexed to see me.
Parece perplejo de verme.
You don't seem to see me
No pareces verme
You seem alarmed to see me.
Parecías asustada de verme.
She seemed surprised to see me.
Se sorprendió al verme.
The men seemed frightened when they saw me.
Se asustaron al verme.
They seem pleased to see me.
Parecen estar contentas de verme.
It was she who seemed most pleased to see me.
Ella fue quien más se alegró de verme.
Frank seemed pleased to see me.
Pareció contento de verme.
He seemed to be glad to see me.
Parecía contento de verme.
He seemed frightened at the sight of me.
Pareció asustarse al verme.
“You seem glad to see me.”
–Pareces contento de verme.
If we look at what has happened over these last 11 years, we find that the Arabs who blamed us because we administered a slap on 2 August no longer blame us now. On the contrary, they say: "It seems the Iraqis know how much this friend of ours had harmed them and had pressured and squeezed them so as to make them slap him."
Y si miramos a lo que ha sucedido durante estos últimos 11 años, vemos que los árabes que nos criticaron porque dimos aquel golpe el 2 de agosto ya no lo hacen, sino que andan diciendo: `¡Parece que los iraquíes sabían cuánto les había perjudicado este amigo nuestro, cuánto les había presionado y cuánto les había exprimido hasta hacerles saltar y abofetearles!
When we look at the world around us, it seems to be really solid.
Cuando miramos el Mundo a nuestro alrededor, pareciera que sí es sólido.
Looking at you and looking at me, doesn't seem like it'll hurt.
Mírate a ti y mírame mi, no me harás daño.
Look at me, for example. Does it seem smart stay here alone with you, without kissing you?
Mírame, por ejemplo. ¿Parezco inteligente, quedándome aquí solo contigo, sin besarte?
Only I ran away. This is the only thing I seem to do well. Look at me back here.
Pero huí, que es lo único que parezce que hago bien mírame de nuevo aquí.
I am dreadful. I seem a boy. So flat.
Mírame, estoy plana como un chico.
ln fact, there are some that seem to exist... everywhere we look.
De hecho, hay algunos que parecen existir en todos los lugares donde miramos.
We've looked. There doesn't seem to be anything missing.
Miramos todo y no falta nada.
Swaggering about in a garish new hat, he seemed to say: "Look at me, Rex Banner, I have a new hat."
Presumiendo de sombrero nuevo, parecía decir "Mírame, Rex Banner, tengo sombrero nuevo".
If you look at Monty, it seems like he's waiting for the next fight, and not applause.
Si lo miramos detenidamente a Monty, parece como si estuviera esperando su próxima lucha, sin aplausos.
I shared a look with Megan, who seemed troubled.
Megan y yo nos miramos. Parecía inquieta.
See what I am, he seemed to be saying. I hate.
Mírame porque esto es lo que soy, parecía querer decirle.
We looked at each other in silence for a few long-seeming seconds.
Nos miramos en silencio durante unos interminables segundos.
We stared at each other for what seemed like a long time.
Nos miramos el uno al otro durante lo que me pareció un largo rato.
None of us seems to like what we see.
Nos miramos unos a otros, y a ninguno parece gustarle mucho lo que ve.
We stared at each other for a moment that seemed to last for ever.
Nos miramos mutuamente durante un instante que pareció eterno.
Then we stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like a long time.
Entonces nos miramos a los ojos durante lo que me pareció una eternidad.
Again we locked glances, and it seemed to me that he was different.
Al miramos de nuevo fijamente me pareció que Timothy había cambiado.
Emmett and I both stared at him in shock, but Alice seemed unsurprised.
Emmett y yo le miramos aturdidos, pero Alice no parecía sorprendida.
This also seems to be the outcome of the adoption of Article 100, even though it is not in every detail clear how the provision must be interpreted.
Tal parece ser el resultado de la aprobación del Artículo 100, si bien no se ve con toda claridad cómo debe interpretarse el precepto.
In so doing, and blocking this international scrutiny, Israel seems condemned by its own actions.
Al hacerlo, y al bloquear este examen internacional, Israel se ve condenado por sus propias acciones.
It seems as if the Court is left with the unenviable task of doing increasingly more work, with a very modest number of staff, and an even more modest budget.
Parece que la Corte se ve abocada a la tarea nada envidiable de trabajar con una cifra cada vez más modesta de personal y con un presupuesto incluso más modesto.
18. She welcomed the involvement of civil society organizations, as highlighted in the report, but it seemed that the Government was still not aware of its obligations.
La oradora ve con agrado la participación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, como se ha subrayado en el informe, si bien parece que el Gobierno aún no es consciente de sus obligaciones.
Africa's crime situation is aggravated by the peculiarities of the continent, which seem to draw the region into continued deprivation, endemic weaknesses and increased vulnerability.
La situación de la delincuencia en África se ve agravada por las peculiaridades del continente, que parecen condenar la región a una constante penuria, una debilidad endémica y una creciente vulnerabilidad.
Since the resolution and the Group's understanding of it were very clear, it did not seem necessary to embark on a lengthy discussion of the issue at the current stage.
Ya que la resolución y la interpretación que el Grupo hace de ella son muy claras, no ve la necesidad de mantener un largo debate al respecto en este momento.
It was worth noting that the Court's conclusion in that regard was unaffected by the fact that such evidence might seem to meet high standards of objectivity.
Cabe señalar que la conclusión de la Corte en ese sentido no se ve afectada por el hecho de que esa prueba pueda aparentemente conformarse a un riguroso criterio de objetividad.
31. There seems to be no reason why, at the mission level, there need to be two investigations to establish facts.
No se ve por qué tiene que haber, a nivel de la misión, dos investigaciones para constatar los hechos.
The public seemed not to be greatly in favour of that decision, which did not prepare children for the realities of social and professional life, where the use of English was essential.
Según parece, la población no ve con mucho agrado esta decisión que no prepara a los niños para las realidades de la vida social y profesional, en la que es indispensable saber inglés.
Without prejudice to further discussion, it saw no difficulty in including jus cogens even though it did not seem inherently related to customary law.
Sin perjuicio de ulteriores debates, no ve ninguna dificultad en que se incluya el jus cogens aunque no parezca relacionado de forma inherente con el derecho consuetudinario.
Seems I’ve a talent for that.
Se ve que tengo talento para eso.
He eats, it would seem.
Come, por lo que se ve.
But you seem so close.
Pero se os ve muy unidos.
‘Does he seem cheerful or—’
¿Se le ve contento o…?
And since she seems comfortable . . .
Y como se la ve tranquila…
But you seem quite calm.
Pero se te ve muy tranquilo.
She seems interested in you.
Se la ve interesada por ti.
He seems much recovered.
Se lo ve muy recuperado.
She seems very quiet.
se la ve muy tranquila.
It seems, and I say "it seems", that one group had difficulties with that proposal.
Parece, y digo "parece", que un grupo tenía dificultades con dicha propuesta.
It seems not.
Parece que no es el caso.
There seem to be none.
Parece que no.
Seems like, seems like June.
Parece, parece de junio.
It seems... it seems that Scotty...
Parece....parece que Scotty...
It seems... It just seems so random.
Parece... solo parece tan aleatorio.
It seems that... It seems to be...
Parece... parece ser que...
It seems so... heh, it seems so indifferent.
Parece parece tan indiferente.
Seem forlorn, seem regained.
Parece triste, parece recuperada.
- Yeah, seems, seems great.
- Sí, parece, parece genial.
It just seems it seems too fast.
Parece tan- parece tan rápido.
Seem. Is this correct, this—-seem?
Parece. ¿Es correcto, esto… parece?
“Or the death, it seems.” “It seems. But what is this?
—Ni la muerte, parece ser. —Parece ser. Pero ¿esto qué es?
“Because it seems to predict what happened.” “Seems to predict.”
Porque parece predecir lo ocurrido. —Parece predecir.
This place is more than it seems, and Ædrea is more than she seems.
Este lugar es más de lo que parece y Ædra es más de lo que parece.
“That doesn’t seem…”
—Eso no parece muy...
But it seems there are others.
Pero parece que hay otros.
 "That seems to be the idea,"
—Eso es lo que parece.
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