Übersetzung für "resigning" auf spanisch
In that case, the Government must resign.
En ese caso, el Gobierno debe renunciar.
The Council of Ministers, or the Minister censured, is required to resign.
El Consejo de Ministros o el ministro censurado debe renunciar.
Some high-level CONAP officials were forced to resign.
Algunos funcionarios del CONAP fueron obligados a renunciar.
Persons are not even permitted the freedom to desist or resign.
No hay libertad para renunciar o dimitir.
They can resign at any time during this period.
Durante este período, pueden renunciar en cualquier momento.
In resigning, Mr. Smarth noted continued criticism by some sectors which had not accepted the Parliament's decision and wanted to force the Government to "resign under the pressure of the street".
Al renunciar, el Sr. Smarth señaló la persistente crítica de ciertos sectores que no habían aceptado la decisión del Parlamento y querían obligar al Gobierno a "renunciar bajo la presión de las calles".
In Putumayo, one regional ombudsperson was threatened and had to resign.
En Putumayo, se profirieron amenazas contra el defensor del pueblo, que tuvo que renunciar a su cargo.
Everyone is free to resign from membership in an association.
Toda persona tiene derecho a renunciar a su calidad de miembro de una asociación.
obey or resign.
Obedecer o renunciar.
- You're not resigning?
- ¿Qué? ¿No renunciarás?
If she can resign, she can un-resign.
Si puede renunciar, puede des-renunciar.
You'll resign.
¡Vas a renunciar!
If you can resign, I can resign!
   - ¡Si tú puedes renunciar, yo también puedo renunciar!
“Goddamn, you know I could be resigning soon.” “You won’t resign.”
Diablos, sabes que muy pronto tendría que renunciar. —No renunciarás.
To be asked for a resignation? I will not resign.
¿Para pedirme la renuncia? No pienso renunciar.
“No, you don’t have to resign.
—No, no tienes que renunciar.
Resign from the case.
Renunciar a la causa.
Resign him already? No, no!
¡Tener ya que renunciar a él!
Resign my commission?”
—¿Renunciar a mi plaza?
He was ready to resign.
Estaba dispuesto a renunciar.
You can't resign!
–¡No puedes renunciar!
Why would I resign?
—¿Por qué iba a renunciar?
As a result, the author was forced to resign.
Como consecuencia, la autora fue obligada a dimitir.
Women Members of Parliament had been forced to resign and had been detained.
Varias mujeres parlamentarias han sido obligadas a dimitir y han sido detenidas.
Required to resign 6
Obligados a dimitir 6
If the same Assembly was re-elected, the President was obliged to resign.
Si se reelegía la misma Asamblea, el Presidente estaba obligado a dimitir.
It was suggested that a number of officers named should resign.
Se dijo que varios de esos oficiales deberían dimitir.
Some workers claim that pregnant women are forced to resign.
Algunas trabajadoras afirman que a las mujeres embarazadas se les obliga a dimitir.
Officials who failed to abide by the decree's provisions would be required to resign.
Los funcionarios que no cumplieran lo dispuesto en el decreto deberían dimitir.
In the past, one spouse would have had to request special leave or resign.
En el pasado, uno de los cónyuges tenía que solicitar una licencia especial o dimitir.
He asked the Prime Minister and the members of the Government not to resign.
Invitó al Primer Ministro y a los miembros del Gabinete a no dimitir.
Charlie is resigning and I'm resigning.
Charlie va a dimitir y yo voy a dimitir.
I just resigned.
Acabo de dimitir.
I can't resign.
No puedo dimitir.
I couldn't resign.
No podía dimitir.
Are you resigning?
- ¿Va a dimitir?
You cannot resign.
No puede dimitir.
Resign from Congress?
- ¿Dimitir del Congreso?
I wanted to resign. I considered resigning over this.
Quise dimitir. Pensé dimitir por ello.
“I cannot resign immediately, and I will not resign immediately.”
No puedo dimitir inmediatamente y no voy a dimitir inmediatamente.
He would not resign.
Pero él no estaba dispuesto a dimitir.
Are you thinking of resigning?
¿Estás pensando en dimitir?
Will you be resigning, Minister?
«¿Dimitirá, ministro?».
Resignation should be impossible.
Dimitir sería imposible.
"I've no choice but to resign.
   - No tengo otra elección más que dimitir.
I shall resign immediately.
Dimitiré inmediatamente.
‘You don’t need to resign.
No necesita dimitir.
In the end, the Member States would have to resign themselves to getting what they paid for.
En definitiva, los Estados Miembros tendrán que resignarse a no tener más que lo que han pagado.
These are the conditions to which the Palestinians are being forced to resign themselves until stability is restored and peace is achieved.
Tales son las condiciones a las que los palestinos se ven obligados a resignarse hasta que se restablezca la estabilidad y se alcance la paz.
DPI should not resign itself to closing centres or merging them unless the host country was in agreement.
El DIP no debe resignarse a cerrar o fusionar centros a menos que el país anfitrión esté de acuerdo.
For its part, the Kingdom of Morocco cannot resign itself to such a fate.
Por su parte, el Reino de Marruecos no puede resignarse a semejante suerte.
The situation is too serious to throw up our hands in resignation.
La situación es demasiado grave como para resignarse.
Not acting today would be to resign ourselves to disorder, injustice and chaos.
No actuar hoy sería resignarse al desorden, a la injusticia y al caos.
This is not a time for resignation or discouragement.
No hay que resignarse ni desanimarse.
I fear that that crisis is forcing many Governments to resign themselves to cutting programmes and lowering expectations.
Temo que esta crisis esté obligando a muchos gobiernos a resignarse a recortar programas y reducir sus expectativas.
Should the international community resign itself to this sorrowful assessment?
¿Acaso la comunidad internacional debe resignarse a esta evaluación angustiosa?
Saying nothing or resigning oneself to this fact is tantamount to trivializing the phenomenon and trivialization means corruption of the spirit.
Mantenerse callados o resignarse ante ese hecho es trivializar el fenómeno y trivializarlo es consagrar la corrupción del espíritu.
Help others to resign.
Ayude a los otros a resignarse.
To resign is cowardice!
¡Resignarse es una bajeza!
We must resign, aunt.
Hay que resignarse, tía.
You must resign yourself to it.
Hay que resignarse a la tristeza.
Resign yourself to events.
Resígnarse a los acontecimientos
You mustn't resign yourself.
No tiene que resignarse.
- Sir, you need to resign yourself to it.
- Señor... debe resignarse.
It's not about resigning.
No se trata de resignarse.
- You shouldn't resign yourself.
- Ud. no debe resignarse.
We must resign ourselves.
Hay que resignarse.
To that he was resigned.
Ante eso, había que resignarse.
For some, survival was about resignation.
Para otros, sobrevivir era resignarse.
But he had to resign himself.
Pero debía resignarse.
She must be silent and resigned.
Había que callarse y resignarse.
Before resignation again.
Antes de admitir y resignarse de nuevo.
Charles seemed to resign himself.
Charles pareció resignarse.
Emmanuelle was unable to resign herself.
Emmanuelle no conseguía resignarse.
Was he becoming resigned to notoriety?
¿Había comenzado a resignarse a la notoriedad?
Everyone had to become resigned to this.
Todos debían resignarse a ello.
Subsequently, the Governor of the State of Guerrero had had to resign.
Ulteriormente el Gobernador del estado de Guerrero hubo de abandonar su cargo.
He had not, as the representative of the Russian Federation had said earlier, been forced out of office, but had resigned with the rest of the Government as a result of a government crisis.
No se le obligó a abandonar el cargo, como dijo el representante de la Federación de Rusia, sino que renunció junto al resto del Gobierno como resultado de una crisis gubernamental.
In this regard, the Committee notes with concern that a woman victim of harassment in the workplace is offered no other remedy than to resign and leave her employer.
A este respecto, el Comité observa con preocupación que a las mujeres víctimas de hostigamiento en el lugar de trabajo no se les ofrece otro recurso que dejar su puesto y abandonar al patrono.
Furthermore, women who get married to co-bankers working in the same bank have to resign their jobs.
Además, las mujeres que se casan con colegas que trabajan en el mismo banco tienen que abandonar su empleo.
When the child is 15 years old, he or she may resign from the Church of Norway, or any other religious community of which he or she is a member.
Cuando el niño cumple 15 años puede abandonar la Iglesia de Noruega o cualquier otra comunidad religiosa a la que pertenezca.
It should also be noted that parents who do not wish to bring up their children in the Evangelical—Lutheran faith are free to resign from the Church of Norway.
Asimismo, los padres que no deseen educar a sus hijos en la religión evangelicoluterana pueden abandonar la Iglesia de Noruega.
11. After announcing that he was resigning at the end of the year, he drew attention to five points.
Después de haber anunciado que abandonará su cargo a finales de año, el Relator Especial se refiere a cinco cuestiones.
Here, prostitutes are encouraged to resign from such acts and are provided consultations on HIV/AIDS and other sex related diseases as well as marketable skills training.
Se alienta a las personas a abandonar la prostitución y se ofrece capacitación para ingresar en el mercado de trabajo, así como asesoramiento sobre el VIH/SIDA y otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual.
-I will never resign, sir.
-Nunca abandonaré el cuerpo, señor.
I'm resigning from the service.
Voy a abandonar el servicio.
He had to resign because--
Tuvo que abandonar porque...
We should have never resigned Alfa Romeo.
Nunca debimos abandonar Alfa Romeo.
My brother should resign from your company.
Mi hermano quiere abandonar la Compañía.
I wish to resign my commission.
Deseo abandonar el ejército.
Kinya would resign and stand trial.
Kinya debería abandonar el caso y sentarse ante el juez.
You must resign today.
Tiene usted que abandonar la universidad, hoy mismo.
You resigned as his secretary, didn't you? Yes.
¿Usted acaba de abandonar su trabajo como secretaria?
The other two players resigned.
Los otros dos jugadores decidieron abandonar.
He had resigned from Miron’s company. “Not another day.
Acababa de abandonar la compañía de Mirón. –Ni un día más.
Often he thought of resigning and going into business.
Con frecuencia pensaba en abandonar la carrera eclesiástica y dedicarse a los negocios.
“I was tempted to resign and return home,” Fawcett wrote.
«Estuve tentado de abandonar y volver a casa»[62], escribió.
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