Übersetzung für "refer you" auf spanisch
Refer you
To lighten somewhat the funereal solemnity of my missive and end it with a smile, I would like to refer you to the case of the pragmatic androgyne Emma (should I, perhaps, say androgynette?) as reported by the urologist Hugh H.
Para levantar algo la seriedad funeral de mi misiva y terminarla con una sonrisa, me animo a referirle el caso del pragmático andrógino Emma (¿debería, tal vez, decir andrógina?) que refiere el urólogo Hugh H.
If I were to call him right now and tell him you were here, preparing to make a scene, he would no doubt refer you to his attorney before he would consider taking the time to speak with you.
Si le llamase ahora mismo y le contase que están ustedes aquí, listos para montar una escena, no dudaría en referirlos a su abogado antes de valorar siquiera la posibilidad de dedicar un instante a hablar con ustedes.
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