Übersetzung für "put on airs" auf spanisch
Put on airs
This is something worse than putting on airs.
Esto es algo peor que darse aires.
They would have thought she was putting on airs.
Hubieran creído que intentaba darse aires.
There they had thought they were superior, putting on airs, and they were just the same – weren’t they?
Se habían creído superiores, tanto darse aires, y eran igual que todos, ¿verdad?
She called him Phillip, which Jolene thought was putting on airs.
Lo llamaba Philip, cosa que Jolene veía como una manera de darse aires.
What rot it was, the way these women put on airs and prevented you from having a good time!
¡Qué condenada manía tenían estas mujeres de darse aires e impedirle a uno que pasase un buen rato!
“Take your cap off in front of Lady Savine,” said Lisbit, already putting on airs now she felt she had a promotion.
—Quítate el gorro en presencia de lady Savine —dijo Lisbit, que ya empezaba a darse aires al considerarse ascendida.
She didn’t want to put on airs, but she wasn’t fooling anybody, and she wasn’t going to martyr herself by staying “humble”—that would be the worst affectation of all.
No quería darse aires, pero tampoco engañaba a nadie, y no iba a martirizarse llevando una vida «modesta»: sería el colmo de la afectación.
“Who wants to know?” “That is inconsequential,” said the clerk, putting on airs and pouting, trying hard to make himself look important. “What’s consequential is the summons. Which I hereby give you.
¿Y quién lo pregunta? —Eso es lo de menos. —El funcionario levantó la cabeza y frunció los labios, intentando darse aires de grandeza—. Lo importante es la demanda judicial. De la que por la presente os hago entrega.
Everything was as I remembered, except that now it was almost Christmas, so wreaths and nativity scenes had been set up in front windows, hesitant displays that suggested a fear of “putting on airs,” as if Christmas belonged, by rights, only to other streets, better neighborhoods.
Todo estaba tal como lo recordaba, salvo que esa vez ya era casi Navidad, por lo que en las ventanas había guirnaldas y escenas navideñas, vacilantes despliegues que indicaban un miedo a «darse tono», como si la Navidad perteneciera, por derecho, sólo a otras calles, a mejores barrios.
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