Übersetzung für "prove to himself" auf spanisch
Had he made her his woman because he wanted to prove to himself that he was not prejudiced against coloreds?
¿La había hecho su mujer porque deseaba probarse a sí mismo que no sentía prejuicios hacia las otras razas?
He happened to be shooting a high and very headlong weir in a canoe, by way of proving to himself that he was alive;
Fue en circunstancias en que saltaba en una canoa un dique alto de caída vertiginosa, con el fin de probarse a sí mismo que estaba vivo;
All so he could prove to himself that he could live without her. That he was capable of denying himself ecstasy.
Y todo para que Catón pudiera probarse a si mismo que era capaz de vivir sin ella, que era capaz de negarse a sí mismo el éxtasis.
He had enlisted because he wanted to prove to himself and everyone else “that one could be Jewish and still be a flying ace.” Which he had been.
Se había alistado porque quería probarse a sí mismo y a los demás que «era posible ser judío y un as de la aviación».
“I never knew anything about business, but it’s obvious that Ferdinand tried to do too much, not always at the right moment, perhaps not so much in order to outdo the others as to prove to himself that he was a great financier.
Nunca he entendido nada de negocios, pero es evidente que Ferdinand emprendió demasiadas cosas, no siempre por su gusto, tal vez no tanto para asombrar a los demás como para probarse a sí mismo que era un gran financiero.
Riera and Lucía didn’t leave the city all summer, and all that time Nula was trapped in the aura that they secreted, trying to prove to himself that he was capable of controlling his desire, his suffering, and even his lust.
Riera y Lucía no se movieron de la ciudad durante todo el verano. Y en todo ese tiempo, Nula estuvo atrapado en el aura que segregaban, tratando de probarse a sí mismo que era capaz de dominar su deseo, su sufrimiento, su pasión incluso.
Perhaps he casts his eyes so pertinaciously upon the curly garden of his mistress only to prove to himself and to show God that he is capable of resisting temptations, even the most Luciferian of them: the imperishable body of our lady.
Acaso mira con tanta obstinación el enrulado vergel de su ama sólo para probarse a sí mismo y mostrar a Dios que es capaz de resistir las tentaciones, incluida la más luciferina: el inmarcesible cuerpo de nuestra señora.
The sensation brought with it a reaction, and to prove to himself that in such a matter he could be influenced by nobody, he marched away, an hour after he had talked with you, and, in the teeth of his perfect mistrust, confirmed by your account of my irregularities—heaven forgive you both!—again asked me to be his wife.
Ese sentimiento le llevó a reaccionar y a probarse a sí mismo que en tal materia no debía dejarse influir por nadie y, una hora después de haber hablado contigo y desafiando su total desconfianza confirmada por tu relato sobre mis irregularidades —¡que el cielo os perdone a los dos!—, vino a verme para pedirme de nuevo aceptara ser su esposa.
“But you wouldn’t have married me then, Nancy, if I’d told you,” said Godfrey, urged, in the bitterness of his self-reproach, to prove to himself that his conduct had not been utter folly. “You may think you would now, but you wouldn’t then. With your pride and your father’s, you’d have hated having anything to do with me after the talk there’d have been.”
—Pero entonces no hubierais querido casaros conmigo, Nancy, si os lo hubiera dicho —replicó Godfrey, impulsado por la severidad de los reproches de su conciencia, a probarse a sí mismo que su conducta no había sido una locura completa—. Ahora os parece que me hubierais aceptado por esposo, pero no lo hubierais hecho en aquel momento con vuestra altivez y la de vuestro padre; os hubiera repugnado el tener relaciones conmigo, después de las revelaciones que os hubiera hecho.
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