Übersetzung für "power was greater" auf spanisch
And his powers are greater than yours?
—¿Su poder es mayor que el vuestro?
'And their power is greater than yours?' said Ulric.
—¿Su poder es mayor que el tuyo? —dijo Ulric.
its power was greater than that of flesh and blood and bone.
su poder era mayor que los seres de carne y hueso.
His power was greater than that of all the other divinities together.
Su poder era mayor que el del resto de las divinidades juntas.
Dahlia was convinced that there was a power to the madness; a power even greater than the Dragonkings.
Dalia estaba convencida de que existía poder en la demencia, un poder aún mayor que el de los Reyes Dragones.
“Oh, Mother Hilde, and here I thought your powers were greater than ever.”
—Caramba, madre Hilde, de pronto he creído que tus poderes eran mayores que nunca.
It knew as well that this same man had powers far greater than its own, so it lay noiselessly in the forest and waited for him to go away.
Supo también que ese hombre tenía poderes mucho mayores que los suyos, de modo que permaneció sin hacer ruido en el bosque y esperó a que se alejase.
“Our powers are greater near the center of the forest,” Galladel continued, “and there we may more easily elude this great force, if indeed it is coming.”
Nuestros poderes son mayores en el centro del bosque —prosiguió Galladel—, y allí podremos eludir con más facilidad a esa gran fuerza, si efectivamente viene.
“Here’s what it says concerning prison sentences: ‘This is how the consul shall demonstrate his power, from greater to less.’ You are the consul of the sea and have to demonstrate your power.
Aquí lo dice en referencia a las órdenes de prisión: «Que así muestra su poder, de mayor a menor». Tú eres el cónsul de la Mar y debes mostrar tu poder.
its power was greater than that of flesh and blood and bone.
su poder era mayor que los seres de carne y hueso.
His power was greater than that of all the other divinities together.
Su poder era mayor que el del resto de las divinidades juntas.
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