Übersetzung für "persecute him" auf spanisch
Persecute him
And now some other statue was persecuting him.
Y ahora vuelve a perseguirle una estatua.
Jealousy. If she realized it, she wouldn't persecute him anymore.
Está celosa. Si Esste se diera cuenta, dejaría de perseguirle.
but the son of a Bey dying under his hands was the excuse for persecuting him.
pero no pudo curar al hijo del bey, y éste fue el pretexto para perseguirlo.
After a while she gave up persecuting him and he slept soundly.
Al cabo de algún tiempo, ella dejó de perseguirlo y él durmió profundamente.
He realized that Aphrodite’s revenge would persecute him to the very end, to any corner of the land or sea.
Creía que la venganza de Afrodita iba a perseguirlo hasta el final y hasta los confines del mar y de la tierra.
They were afraid of Yossarian and persecuted him incessantly with nagging generosity and with their exasperating insistence on doing small favors for him.
Ellos le tenían miedo y no paraban de perseguirlo con su molesta generosidad y su exasperante insistencia en prestarle pequeños servicios.
These glib, facile platitudes simply enraged Job, who accused his comforters of behaving like God and persecuting him cruelly.
Esos tópicos simplistas y fáciles enfurecieron a Job, que acusó a quienes le consolaban de comportarse como Dios y perseguirle cruelmente.
Oliver slumped his shoulders with each answer, as if air-freight were some international conspiracy bent on persecuting him. ‘And the eggs?
Oliver dejaba caer los hombros a cada respuesta, como si el transporte aéreo fuese una conspiración internacional tramada para perseguirle. —¿Y los huevos?
I find it hard to understand why his family would persecute him when he, of all people, has brought the Muratomo clan more power and glory than they ever had before.
Me resulta difícil de entender por qué su familia querría perseguirle cuando él ha proporcionado al clan Muratomo más poder y gloria del que ellos jamás se atrevieron a imaginar.
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