Übersetzung für "people people" auf spanisch
Whoa, people, people, people, come on.
Vaya, gente, gente, gente, vamos.
People, people, show some decorum.
Gente, gente, muestren algo de decoro.
People, people, don't panic.
Gente, gente, no se asusten.
People. People, I'm worried.
Gente, gente, estoy preocupada.
People, people, don't you see?
Gente, gente, ¿no lo veis?
Let's shoot some people, people!
Vamos a disparar a alguna gente, ¡gente!
People, people, you worry too much.
Gente, gente ustedes se preocupan mucho.
Uh, people, people, you're all fired.
Uh, gente, gente,estan despedidos.
People, people, work with me!
Gente, gente, trabajo conmigo!
It'll help people... "people like me"...
Ayudará a gente... "gente como yo"...
Sure, minorities are people; people, not angels.
Desde luego, las minorías son gente; gente, no ángeles.
They love to hurt people. People like Janet.
Les encanta herir a la gente. Gente como Janet ".
“What people?” “People who like your writing, of course.”
—¿Qué gente? —Gente a la que le gusta tu escritura, desde luego.
And here am I, with people, people everywhere, yet not a one to interact with.
Y aquí estoy yo, con gente, gente por todas partes, y sin embargo nadie con quien interactuar.
He said there were people . people who would pay for the case to remain unsolved.
Dijo que había gente…, gente que pagaría si el caso no llegaba a resolverse.
“I was trying to protect my people, people you’ve spent your life trying to exterminate.”
—Estaba tratando de proteger a mi gente, gente que te has pasado la vida tratando de exterminar.
Quite a few people – people in the business, I mean – know what happened to your wife.
Bastante gente (gente del negocio, quiero decir) sabe lo ocurrido con tu esposa.
I knew a lot of people—people who mattered—would disapprove, but I did it all the same.
Sabía que mucha gente, gente importante, lo vería mal, pero lo hice de todos modos.
But do not seek to buy vengeance for the fallen of Theramore by killing my people!” “People?” Jaina echoed.
¡Pero no pretendo vengar a los caídos en Theramore asesinando a mi propia gente! —¿Gente? —repitió Jaina—.
People from everywhere stopped in, and not just people, famous people, people who were doing things.
Entraba gente de todas partes, y no sólo gente: gente famosa, gente que estaba haciendo cosas.
One of the things that the Israelis do, as a further humiliation, is that they let the Israeli women insult people, people like me.
Una de las cosas que hacen los israelíes, como humillación adicional, es que dejan que las mujeres israelíes insulten a las personas, personas como yo.
Says the world, everybody, many people, people of my generation.
Digo al mundo, a todos, muchas personas, personas de mi generación.
An audience is made of people. People who live and breathe.
Un público lo forman personas, personas de carne y hueso.
cuando digo, "Ve," las personas-- personas se ahogan .
I'm looking for people... people like you.
Busco personas... personas como tú.
We have a hotel full of people people who have needs.
Tenemos un hotel lleno de personas,... personas que tienen necesidades.
Losing people... People Who trusted you... People you cared about.
Perder personas... personas que confiaron en ti... personas de las que te preocupas.
You'll be--you'll be upsetting people, people with influence.
Estarás molestando a personas, personas con influencias.
He antagonised people, people with problems.
Siempre molestaba a las personas. Personas con problemas.
I have a lot of memories of people... people I've lost forever.
Tengo muchos recuerdos de personas... personas que he perdido para siempre.
Then I met some people... people who have what you have.
Entonces conocí a unas personas personas que tienen lo que usted tiene.
As people. People who mattered.
Como personas. Personas que importaban.
Shapes moving people. People alive.
Formas moviéndose, personas. Personas vivas.
Yes, I have talked to people people who want to help you.
Si, he hablado con personas… personas que quieren ayudarte.
There might be other people-people like me-who didn’t concede this, but that was their loss.
Puede haber otras personas —personas como yo— que no lo reconozcan, pero ellas se lo pierden.
“I have a job that requires me to do difficult things to other people, people like Ulrich.”
Mi trabajo me exige que haga cosas difíciles con otras personas, personas como Ulrich.
The darkest days brought out the best in some people … people like Leia Organa Solo.
Aquellos tiempos sacaron lo mejor de algunas personas… personas como Leia Organa Solo.
to secure and deepen the awareness (with all its consequences) that other people, people different from us, really do exist.
afirmar y profundizar nuestra conciencia (con todas sus consecuencias) de que otras personas, personas distintas de nosotros, en verdad existen.
The shops they passed were busy with people, people who seemed to move in clumps, brushing their thick, bared arms together and scuffing their feet against one another’s heels.
Las tiendas ante las que pasaban estaban abarrotadas de personas, personas que parecían andar como si los pies les pesaran una tonelada, que se restregaban unos contra otros, que se pisaban.
Finally I was assigned the shocking role of killing one or maybe two people, people who were prepared to do what I would never have dared do.
Finalmente me asigné el indignante papel de matar a una o tal vez a dos personas. Personas que estaban dispuestas a hacer algo que yo nunca me hubiera atrevido a hacer.
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