Übersetzung für "over riding" auf spanisch
Their over-riding aim was the preservation of the Empire, at whatever cost.
Su objetivo primordial era mantener el Imperio a cualquier precio.
Monnet had lived through two devastating European conflicts, and his over-riding goal was to bar the road to another one.
Monnet había sobrevivido a dos conflictos europeos devastadores y su objetivo primordial era impedir que surgiera otro.
Berlusconi’s over-riding concern was to protect himself from prosecution, amid the thicket of cases pending against him for different kinds of corruption.
La preocupación primordial de Berlusconi era protegerse para evitar ser juzgado por alguna de las causas por corrupción que tenía pendientes, una impenetrable maraña de casos.
As well as the scriptural influence, the other over-riding influence, as discussed already, is clearly Augustinian theology.
Además de la influencia bíblica, la otra influencia predominante, como se ha comentado antes, es evidentemente la teología agustiniana.
Then suddenly, at the very first word, his voice came strong and over-riding, filling the church.
Pero entonces, a la primera palabra, la voz de William resonó con potencia, inundándolo todo.
As premier, his over-riding objective was to ensure Italy’s compliance with the Maastricht criteria for entry into the single currency in 1998.
Como primer ministro, su objetivo fundamental era garantizar que Italia cumpliera los criterios de Maastricht para incorporarse a la moneda única en 1998.
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