Übersetzung für "objects objects" auf spanisch
Perhaps being named “black” had nothing to do with any of this; perhaps being named “black” was just someone’s name for being at the bottom, a human turned to object, object turned to pariah.
tal vez negro no era más que la palabra que usaba cierta gente para llamar a quienes estaban abajo del todo, seres humanos convertidos en objetos, objetos convertidos en parias.
And he had read that men were beginning to see women as objects. Objects?
Y había leído que los hombres empezaban a ver a las mujeres como objetos.
Perhaps being named “black” had nothing to do with any of this; perhaps being named “black” was just someone’s name for being at the bottom, a human turned to object, object turned to pariah.
tal vez negro no era más que la palabra que usaba cierta gente para llamar a quienes estaban abajo del todo, seres humanos convertidos en objetos, objetos convertidos en parias.
For the alphabet as the ancient Phoenicians bequeathed it to us began as a collection of pictures of concrete familiar objects, objects basic to the lives of primitive people¯food, shelter, transportation, parts of the human body and so forth.
Porque el alfabeto, tal como nos lo transmitieron los antiguos fenicios, comenzó como una colección de dibujos de objetos familiares y concretos, objetos elementales de la vida del hombre primitivo: comida, habitación, transporte, partes del cuerpo humano, etcétera.
The characteristics of her family—and I don't think it's peculiar to that family, I think Danes are this way, and they're not too different from Norwegians in this way either—they're interested in objects. Objects. Tablecloths. Dishes.
La característica de su familia, y no creo que eso sea peculiar de esa familia, sino que los daneses son así, y en eso tampoco se diferencian mucho de los noruegos, es su interés por los objetos, manteles, platos, jarrones.
To some, though, the greatest mystery of all is the variety of utterly inexplicable objects - objects whose shapes, materials, types of workmanship, and purposes baffle all conjecture - found scattered amidst the wreckage in evidently diverse states of injury.
Para algunos, el mayor misterio de todos es la variedad de objetos, completamente inexplicables, encontrados entre los escombros en diverso estado de conservación y deterioro, cuya forma, materiales, manufactura y finalidad no ha sido posible explicar.
A kid derives a satisfaction that rivals sex or maybe instead connects with it along obscure mental byways when he puts together a few simple metal and ceramic objectsobjects he knows to be simple because he has experimentally destroyed many of them with screwdriver and pliers—and connects them to a battery and hears distant voices in his bedroom.
Un chaval deriva una satisfacción equiparable al sexo o quizá, por el contrario, conecta con ello por oscuros atajos mentales cuando empalma unos sencillos objetos de metal o cerámica —objetos que le consta que son sencillos porque ha destruido experimentalmente muchos de ellos armado de destornillador y alicates— y los conecta a una batería y oye voces lejanas en su dormitorio.
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