Übersetzung für "non appearance" auf spanisch
Non appearance
I made it quite plain that the non-appearance or late appearance in court of one of the principal parties in any suit would prejudice me in favour of his opponent.
Dejé claramente establecido que la no comparecencia o la presentación tardía en el tribunal de una de las partes principales en cualquier litigio me prevendría en favor de su oponente.
You were very obviously upset and surprised by her non-appearance.
—Usted estaba evidentemente inquieto y sorprendido por la ausencia de Arlena.
Though I didn’t like Mamie, her non-appearance was beginning to seem so strange that I felt obliged to pin down her whereabouts.
Aunque no me agradaba mucho, su ausencia me resultó tan extraña que me sentí en la obligación de investigar.
but it had been made clear to her that her non-appearance might excite conjecture, and, reluctantly, she had joined the other workers.
pero se le hizo saber con toda claridad que su ausencia podría provocar conjeturas, por lo que, a regañadientes, se unió a las otras voluntarias.
      At luncheon the presence of the surgeon, and the non- appearance of Madame de Chantelle--who had excused herself on the plea of a headache--combined to shift the conversational centre of gravity;
Durante el almuerzo, la presencia del cirujano y la ausencia de la señora de Chantelle —que se había excusado alegando dolor de cabeza— contribuyeron a alterar el centro de gravedad de las conversaciones.
In much anxiety he went to seek for help, and soon there were several friends assembled in the house, the minister among them, while Silas went away to his work, wishing he could have met William to know the reason of his non-appearance.
Muy luego, varios amigos, y entre ellos el pastor, se encontraron reunidos en la casa. Por su parte, Silas volvió a su casa, sintiendo no haber encontrado a William para saber el motivo de su ausencia.
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