Übersetzung für "many vicissitudes" auf spanisch
Many vicissitudes
Since its birth at Arusha the Peace Agreement has suffered many vicissitudes that impeded its comprehensive implementation.
Desde su inicio, el Acuerdo de Paz de Arusha ha sufrido muchas vicisitudes que han obstaculizado su aplicación integral.
she cried as she learned of Boiardo’s heroine’s many vicissitudes, “poor Angelica!
– exclamó ella al conocer las muchas vicisitudes de la heroína de Boiardo-. ¡Pobre Angelica!
The work went through many vicissitudes and it looked at one time as though it would never be finished.
La obra tuvo que superar muchas vicisitudes, y por momentos daba la impresión de no acabarse nunca.
Yes, King Herod passed through many vicissitudes before he won his present kingdom.
Sí, el rey Herodes pasó a través de muchas vicisitudes, antes de conquistar su actual reino.
After many vicissitudes, the reduced expedition crossed the Black Forest range and came into the territory of a certain Sugoll.
Tras muchas vicisitudes, la reducida expedición cruzó la cordillera de la Selva Negra y llegó al territorio de un tal Sugoll.
After many vicissitudes, this first phase of Madame Guderian's great plan for the liberation of Pliocene humanity was successful.
Tras muchas vicisitudes, esta primera fase del gran plan de Madame Guderian para la liberación de la Humanidad del plioceno tuvo éxito.
After many vicissitudes, the trials of the war and the humiliations of the armistice, she has at last been rewarded by her appointment as Superior of the Sistine Convent in Rome.
Tras muchas vicisitudes, tribulaciones de la guerra y humillaciones del armisticio, la buena Madre ha sido, al fin, recompensada con el nombramiento de Superiora del Convento Sixtino, en Roma.
In Africa, after many vicissitudes, power was inherited by the socialist-leaning liberation movements which had, by their tactic of guerrilla warfare, brought about the Portuguese revolution in the first place and established warm relations with its first generation of activists.
En África, al cabo de muchas vicisitudes, el poder fue heredado por movimientos de liberación de tendencia socialista que, mediante su táctica de guerra de guerrillas, habían provocado la revolución portuguesa y establecido relaciones cordiales con su primera generación de activistas.
No, Tomás was very disciplined and barely said a word about his work, although I could see he wanted to; he doubtless had to remind himself of the oath he’d sworn and had to bite his tongue each time he came home, and then again every few days while he remained at my side. (How sad not to be able to tell anyone about what’s happened or what you’ve been through, the dangers survived, the plots hatched, the dilemmas faced and the decisions taken, for many vicissitudes are bearable only if you can tell someone about them later, and I imagine his work was full of such hazards.) And I certainly showed no signs of indifference or resignation.
No, Tomás era disciplinado y nunca soltó apenas prenda, aunque le notaba las ganas, seguramente tenía que rememorar su juramento y morderse la lengua tras cada retorno (qué triste no poder relatar lo que ha ocurrido y se ha vivido, los peligros pasados y las argucias urdidas, los dilemas planteados y las decisiones tomadas, muchas vicisitudes se aguantan solo para contarlas más tarde, y yo me imaginaba que su oficio estaba lleno de esos gajes), y luego cada pocos días mientras permanecía a mi lado. Porque desinterés o resignación en mí no veía, todo lo contrario.
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