Übersetzung für "legilimency" auf spanisch
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They did not need to question him, to use Veritaserum or Legilimency.
No necesitaron preguntarle, ni usar Veritaserum, ni Legilimancia.
‘But surely, sir,’ he said, keeping his voice as respectful as possible, ‘you don’t need me – you could use Legilimency … or Veritaserum …’
–Pero seguramente señor,– dijo, manteniendo su voz los más respetuosa posible -no me necesita… podría usar legilimancia… o Veritaserum… –
‘Yes, but it took a great deal of skilled Legilimency to coax it out of him,’ said Dumbledore, ‘and why should anybody delve further into Morfin’s mind when he had already confessed to the crime?
–Sí, pero tomó un gran esfuerzo de legilimancia poder sacarla,– dijo Dumbledore, – ¿Y por qué alguien iba a querer adentrarse dentro de la mente de Morfin cuando ya había confesado sus crímenes?
‘He knew,’ said Harry bitterly. ‘He knew when I used Sectumsempra. He didn’t really need Legilimency … he might even have known before then, with Slughorn talking about how brilliant I was at Potions … shouldn’t have left his old book in the bottom of that cupboard, should he?’
–El sabía – dijo Harry amargamente – cuando usé Sectumsempra, realmente no necesitaba usar Legilimancia…puede haberlo sabido incluso antes de eso, con Slughorn hablando de lo brillante que yo era en Pociones…no debía de haber dejado su viejo libro en el fondo del armario ¿o no?-
If only he knew Legilimency, really knew it, and could read Hermione’s mind; he could practically hear her brain whizzing beside him.
Si hubiera dominado la Legeremancia, lo sabría y le habría leído el pensamiento a Hermione, a quien casi le detectaba los zumbidos del cerebro.
‘I did not dare speak to you of the mission with which I knew you had been entrusted, in case he used Legilimency against you,’ continued Dumbledore.
—No me atreví a hablar contigo de la misión que sabía que te habían asignado, por si él utilizaba la Legeremancia contra ti —continuó Dumbledore—.
It literally contains the intelligence of the four founders, can speak (through a rip near its brim) and is skilled at Legilimency, which enables it to look into the wearer’s head and divine his or her capabilities or mood.
Contiene la inteligencia de los cuatro fundadores, puede hablar (a través de una abertura cerca del ala) y es un experto en Legeremancia, por lo que puede ver dentro de la cabeza del que lo lleva y adivinar sus habilidades o su estado de ánimo.
‘There isn’t anyone I want to invite,’ mumbled Harry, who was still trying not to think about Ginny any more than he could help, despite the fact that she kept cropping up in his dreams in ways that made him devoutly thankful that Ron could not perform Legilimency.
—No me apetece invitar a nadie —murmuró Harry, que seguía procurando no pensar en Ginny, pese a que ésta no paraba de aparecer en sus sueños, en actitudes que le hacían agradecer que Ron no supiera Legeremancia.
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