Übersetzung für "leave sooner" auf spanisch
Oh, perhaps if you were not burdened with so much tribute, you could leave sooner.
O tal vez si no tuvieran que cargar con tantos tributos... podrían irse antes.
Geoffrey Rushton wants to leave sooner than they thought, so we need the new Head of Vascular to start in six weeks.
Geoffrey Rushton quiere irse antes de lo que pensaban, así que necesitamos que el nuevo jefe de Vascular empiece en 6 semanas.
If I had made him leave sooner, you wouldn't have had to lie.
Si lo hubiera hecho irse antes no hubieras tenido que mentir.
If you want to leave sooner than that, we won't stop you-and if you want to stay longer, we can always use an extra pair of hands in the fields. Once you've left the Hospice, you won't owe us anything or hear from us again, unless you wish it."
Si quiere irse antes, no lo detenemos... y si quiere quedarse más, siempre nos viene bien un par de manos más en los campos.
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