Übersetzung für "leading up to" auf spanisch
We need to figure out everything that happens leading up to Iris's death.
Tenemos que averiguar todo lo que sucede que conduce a la muerte de Iris.
But that, uh, piece of road leading up to the house here... could stand a bit of resurfacing, don't you think?
Pero a la parte del camino que conduce a la casa... le vendría bien una repavimentación, ¿no cree?
We still need the stuff that leads up to the party.
Todavía tenemos el material que conduce a la fiesta.
Look, they never established a timeline for Alex leading up to the bomb, all right?
Mira, nunca establecieron un cronograma para Alex que conduce a la bomba, ¿de acuerdo?
I ignored everything, everything leading up to this.
No hice caso de todo, todo lo que conduce a esto.
All that leads up to it, is still yet to come.
Todo lo que conduce a él, aún por venir.
And that's not even counting the nine months of constipation leading up to it.
Y eso ni siquiera contando los nueve meses de estreñimiento que conduce a ella.
- Things have been tense leading up to claim day.
- Las cosas han sido tensas que conduce a reclamar día.
Everyone else who was involved in the projects leading up to bitcoin has released their communications with satoshi from this period.
Todo el mundo que estuvo involucrado en los proyectos que conduce a Bitcoin ha publicado sus comunicaciones con Satoshi partir de este período.
And no-one could have approached by car because I checked the traffic CCTV camera at the bottom of the hill, which leads up to the house.
Y nadie pudo haber llegado en auto porque comprobé la cámara de vigilancia que está al pie de la colina que conduce a la casa.
Miss Carver, about that door leading up to the roof.
—Miss Carver, a propósito de la puerta que conduce a la azotea.
But now I have lost what leads up to rage and sorrow.
Ahora he perdido lo que conduce a la cólera y al pesar.
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