Übersetzung für "jumping was" auf spanisch
The latter was forced to jump out of the window as a result of which his legs were fractured.
Este se vio obligado a saltar por una ventana como resultado de lo cual se fracturó las piernas.
The terrorists shot her to death on the road after she had jumped from the vehicle.
Los terroristas la mataron a balazos en la carretera, después que logró saltar del vehículo.
Many students were injured when they tried to jump over a fence in the commotion.
Muchos estudiantes fueron heridos cuando trataron de saltar una cerca en el alboroto.
Throwing or forcing the victim to jump into a void
Obligar a la víctima a saltar al vacío o precipitarla al vacío
When they entered the flat, the deceased "had just jumped out of the window".
Cuando la policía entró en el piso, el fallecido "acababa de saltar por la ventana".
- Arranging naked detainees in a pile and then jumping on them;
- amontonar a detenidos desnudos y saltar sobre ellos;
She tried to jump off the motorcycle, but he held on to her legs.
Ella trató de saltar de la motocicleta, pero él la retuvo por las piernas.
- Punching, slapping and kicking detainees; jumping on their bare feet;
- dar golpes, bofetadas y patadas a los detenidos; saltar sobre sus pies descalzos;
Some have been murdered and others died after jumping from moving cars.
Algunas han sido asesinadas y otras han muerto tras saltar de un coche en marcha.
Jumping was for boys.
Saltar era para chicos.
We’ll have to jump.’
Tendremos que saltar.
I backed away from the cliffs edge. "Jump! Sure, jump!"
Me aparté del borde del peñasco. —¡Saltar! ¡Claro, saltar!
Jumping was not possible.
Saltar no era posible.
They refused to jump.
Se negaron a saltar.
It was time to jump.
Era hora de saltar.
“To remember, but not to jump.”
—De recordar, no de saltar.
To jump was unsafe.
Saltar no era seguro.
Rivalries remain, but they are fought over goals, fastest times or longest jumps.
Las rivalidades se mantienen, pero se compite por los goles, la mayor rapidez o los saltos más largos.
That evening, she jumped from a secondfloor window.
Esa noche saltó a través de la ventana de un segundo piso.
Exporters in Bangladesh had failed to understand and properly apply complex "double jump" and "triple jump" provisions.
Los exportadores en Bangladesh no habían entendido ni aplicado debidamente las complejas disposiciones de "doble salto" y "triple salto".
Shortly afterwards, a child had jumped out of bed and had injured himself.
Poco tiempo después, un niño saltó de la cama y se hirió.
There was a jump of 50 per cent in admissions in 1991 as compared to 1990.
Hubo un salto de 50% en las admisiones en 1991 en comparación con 1990.
This could prevent detonation by a person, for example jumping on the mine.
Esto podría impedir la detonación por una persona que, por ejemplo, salta sobre la mina.
(f) 2 from injuries received as a result of a jump/fall.
f) 2 de heridas recibidas a consecuencia de un salto/caída
To lead the buffalo to the jump was to taunt death,
Conducir los búfalos al salto era provocar la muerte.
And the jump was huge.
Y el salto era enorme.
'Jump down, Peekay, run for it, jump, jump!' she screamed.
—¡Salta, Peekay, corre, salta, salta!, —gritaba.
Jump Elizabeth jump to peace.
Salta Elizabeth salta a la paz.
It says, 'Jump,' he jumps.
Si le dice: “Salta”, él salta.
"I jumped. Don't know who jumped first, but I just jumped.
Salté. No sé quién saltó primero, pero salté.
When I say jump, you jump.
Cuando yo diga que saltes, tú salta.
They chanted, —Jump . . . jump . . . jump . . . and the figure above drew back.
Salmodiaban: «Saltasaltasalta…», y la figura de arriba se echó hacia atrás.
Jump.” She closed her eyes and jumped.
Salta. —Clary cerró los ojos y saltó.
Jump, Hastings, but jump, I tell you.
Salte, Hastings; salte del tren, le digo.
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