Übersetzung für "is laugh" auf spanisch
All women do is laugh and sing and say the word "pussy." You ask any doctor and he'll tell you that.
Todo lo que hacen las mujeres es reir, cantar y decir la palabra "coño" Pregúntale al doctor y te dirá
All I want you to do is laugh.
Todo lo que quiero que hagas es reir.
I'll laugh, yes I'll laugh, when they string you up and gut you.
Me reiré, sí, me reiré cuando te cuelguen y te saquen las tripas.
“She won’t laugh at us?”
– ¿Y no se reirá de nosotros?
Only she’ll laugh at you.
Pero se reirá de ti.
“You won’t laugh at me?
—¿No te reirás de mí?
But Hunziker will laugh at me.
Pero Hunziker se reirá de mí.
But don't laugh at 'em.
Pero no debéis reíros de ellos.
The Queen, too, will laugh.
La Reina también reirá.
Everybody'll laugh at me.
Todo el mundo se reirá de mí.
I’ll never laugh at you.”
Nunca me reiré de ti.
That cocktail-party laugh, that barroom laugh, that diplomatic laugh, that worn-out laugh.
La risa del cóctel, la risa del bar, la risa diplomática, la risa gastada.
It was a laugh, a man’s laugh.
Era una risa, la risa de un hombre.
His laugh was nervous, but it was a laugh.
Su risa era nerviosa, pero era una risa—.
his laugh was a great laugh;
su risa era una risa amplia;
An odd laugh, but it was a laugh all the same.
Una risa extraña, pero risa al cabo.
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