Übersetzung für "is incredibly" auf spanisch
However, progress in eliminating violence has been incredibly slow.
Sin embargo, los avances para erradicar la violencia han sido increíblemente lentos.
Incredibly, the judges and prosecutors involved in the Xanana trial denied knowledge of the witnesses' status as detainees.
Increíblemente, los jueces y fiscales del juicio dijeron que desconocían la condición de detenidos de los testigos.
61. Nanotechnology has been described as "a clever means of making incredibly small things".
61. Se ha descrito la nanotecnología como "un medio inteligente de crear cosas increíblemente pequeñas".
International trade is an incredibly powerful engine for sustainable development.
El comercio internacional es un motor increíblemente potente del desarrollo sostenible.
However, to date, progress in eliminating violence has been incredibly slow.
No obstante, hasta la fecha, los progresos en la eliminación de la violencia han sido increíblemente lentos.
And I believe that it is our responsibility to see to it that the Earth continues to be incredibly beautiful.
Tenemos la responsabilidad de garantizar que la Tierra siga siendo increíblemente hermosa.
Despite this understanding, progress has been incredibly slow and obligations are not being fulfilled.
Pese a este reconocimiento, los avances han sido increíblemente lentos y las obligaciones no se están cumpliendo.
The reason is the incredibly high number of indiscriminately laid mines.
La razón de ello es el número increíblemente elevado de minas sembradas indiscriminadamente.
Compared with world production and trade, monetary and financial markets are incredibly dynamic.
En comparación con la producción y el comercio mundial, los mercados monetarios y financieros son increíblemente dinámicos.
39. It was true that a target of $1.25-a-day was incredibly modest.
39. Cierto es que el umbral de 1,25 dólares al día constituye una meta increíblemente modesta.
It is incredibly moreish.
Es increíblemente adictivo.
She is incredibly awful.
Es increíblemente horrorosa.
That is incredibly painful.
Es increíblemente doloroso.
It is incredibly romantic.
Es increíblemente romántica.
This is incredibly generous.
Es increíblemente generoso.
It is incredibly succinct.
Es increíblemente basto.
This is incredibly detailed.
Es increíblemente detallista.
~ It is INCREDIBLY heavy.
- Es increíblemente pesada.
Incredibly light, incredibly out of place.
—Se escucha increíblemente ligero, increíblemente fuera de lugar.
And incredibly, that was it.
E increíblemente eso fue todo.
He felt good - incredibly good and incredibly alive.
Se sentía bien... increíblemente bien e increíblemente vivo.
He was dark, and withdrawn, and incredibly patient and incredibly kind.
Era moreno y retraído, increíblemente paciente e increíblemente amable.
Incredibly — at least incredibly to me — both certainties proved false.
Increíblemente -al menos increíblemente para mí-, ambas seguridades eran falsas.
They are incredibly tidy.
Son increíblemente ordenadas.
It was incredibly intimidating.
Era algo increíblemente intimidatorio.
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