Übersetzung für "is distended" auf spanisch
There has also been a noticeable increase in congenital diseases and foetal abnormalities, such as babies born with extra limbs, with a distended head or without any head at all, as well as babies born with eye traumas or abnormalities, or with eyes that are completely concealed.
También han aumentado en forma sensible las enfermedades y anormalidades congénitas, por ejemplo, niños que nacen con más miembros, con cráneo distendido o sin cráneo, o con traumas o anormalidades oculares, o con ojos completamente ocultos.
Massive crush injuries to the neck down, and his stomach is distended.
Lesiones masivas por aplastamiento en la parte baja del cuello, y su estómago está distendido.
I need to operate on Cal. His belly is distended, and this is new.
Debo operar a Cal, su abdomen está distendido, y eso es nuevo.
- The left ventricle is distending.
- Un ventrículo está distendido.
his chest is distended and purple.
Su pecho está distendido y morado.
Addison, his abdomen is distended.
Addison, su abdomen está distendido.
His abdomen is distended and he has a lot of internal bleeding.
Su abdomen está distendido y tiene mucha hemorragia internas.
No,his belly is distended.
No, su estómago está distendido...
his entire face was distended.
todo su rostro estaba distendido.
The Spell of Distended Time is on us;
El conjuro del Tiempo Distendido está va sobre nosotros;
Its crop was distended and engorged with food.
Tenía el buche distendido y lleno de comida.
Wry labia distended and flecked with foam.
Labios distendidos y salpicados de espuma.
Maeniel paused, his nostrils distended.
Maeniel se detuvo, las fosas nasales distendidas.
The distended livers of force-fed geese.
Hígados distendidos de ocas alimentadas a la fuerza.
It was so distended, she looked pregnant. She was pregnant.
Estaba tan distendida que parecía que estuviese embarazada.
Its jaws were stretched wide, its throat distended;
Tenía las mandíbulas abiertas, con el cuello distendido;
His belly had become a hard, distended bulge.
La barriga se le había convertido en un bulto duro y distendido.
The nostrils were somewhat distended, and the bridge of the nose was low.
Las aletas de la nariz estaban algo distendidas, y el caballete era bajo.
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