Übersetzung für "interesting book" auf spanisch
Interesting book
You know, Vick, there's some interesting books here.
Sabes, Vick, aquí hay algunos libros interesantes.
So, interesting books you've got here.
Qué libros interesantes tienes.
Hey, looks like an interesting book.
Parece un libro interesante.
- I think it's an interesting book.
- Creo que es un libro interesante.
You have an interesting book collection.
Tienes una colección de libros interesante.
That must be an interesting book.
Debe ser un libro interesante.
- It's nevertheless an interesting book.
- ¿No? Pero es un libro interesante.
I'm reading a very interesting book at the moment.
Estoy leyendo un libro interesante.
I once read an interesting book.
Una vez lei un libro interesante.
“You’ll see . It’s an interesting book .
«Ya verá… Es un libro interesante…».
“Have you found other interesting books there?”
—¿Ha encontrado más libros interesantes?
Lot of interesting books there, by the way, Edward.
Encontrarás ahí muchos libros interesantes, Edward.
“He probably had a lot of interesting books,” said Freddy;
—Probablemente tendría muchos libros interesantes —dijo Freddy—;
“I was reading an interesting book today,” said Franca.
—Hoy he leído un libro interesante —dijo Franca—.
It was an interesting book, written by Albertus Magnus and apparently stolen from the British Museum.
Era un libro interesante, escrito por Albertus Magnus y aparentemente robado del Museo Británico.
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