Übersetzung für "him face" auf spanisch
The proceeding authority invites him to explain everything helpful for his defence and interrogates him face to face.
Dicha autoridad le invitará a exponer todo cuanto contribuya a su defensa y lo interrogará cara a cara.
Mr. Clerides was uncomfortable with the proximity format, which placed him in the position of seemingly negotiating with the United Nations rather than with his Turkish Cypriot counterpart, who was not at that time prepared to meet him face to face.
El Sr. Clerides veía con reparos el carácter indirecto de las conversaciones porque le parecía estar negociando con las Naciones Unidas y no con su homólogo turcochipriota, que en aquel entonces no estaba dispuesto a entrevistarse con él cara a cara.
...Eyes like him. Face like him.
...Sus ojos, su cara.
Right now I'm not really sure what punishment Fitz two deserves, if any, and I won't until I see him face-to-face.
Ahora mismo no estoy seguro que castigo fitz two merece, si es que alguno, Y yo no quiero hasta ver su cara frente a frente.
You met him face-to-face.
Te encontraste con él cara a cara.
this brought him face to face with Anna.
esto hizo que se viera cara a cara con Anna.
He was frightened of meeting him face to face.
Le asustaba encontrarse con él cara a cara.
Let me speak to himface-to-face …
–Déjame hablar con él… cara a cara
I want to see him face-to-face.
– Quiero verlo cara a cara.
I saw him face-to-face, Ranette.
Lo vi cara a cara, Ranette.
To meet him face to face is certain death.
Encontrárselo cara a cara es la muerte segura.
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