Übersetzung für "hello she said" auf spanisch
“Hello, hello,” she said, kissing Crane on the cheek.
Hola, holadijo, besando a Crane en la mejilla—.
"Hello, hello," she said, and then caught sight of the jug of wine.
Hola, holadijo, y luego vio el vino—.
Hello,’ she said, ‘are you asleep?’ ‘No.
Hola —dijo—, ¿estabas durmiendo? —No.
Hello,’ she said, a little disarmed.
Hola —dijo ella un tanto desconcertada—.
Hello,” she said in a tentative voice.
Hola —dijo con voz titubeante.
Hello,” she said, almost immediately.
Hola —dijo ella casi enseguida.
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