Übersetzung für "heart-warming" auf spanisch
It was a strange feeling—both deflating and heart-warming.
Era un sentimiento extraño: deprimente y reconfortante a la vez.
A simple and heart-warming fable, one might think – in which case, one would reveal oneself to be an innocent nincompoop.
Una fábula sencilla y reconfortante, o eso podría parecer —en cuyo caso, uno demostraría ser un inocente papanatas—.
‘Of course you can, John, William,’ he said, an odd characteristic that I had noticed in him whereby he held each man on more friendly terms whenever he was engaged on the heart-warming task of writing to his wife.
—Por supuesto, John, William —accedió. Yo ya había advertido anteriormente que su trato era más amistoso siempre que estaba enfrascado en la reconfortante tarea de escribirle a su esposa—.
They had been securely married by the state for six weeks when that happened, and so, like the gentleman he may very well be, he resigned himself to her love—a medium-sized, beefy-shouldered man, Indian-black hair, straight and coarse to the fingers, lavender eyes—Faith is perfectly willing to say it herself, to any good listener: she loved Ricardo. She began indeed to love herself, to love the properties which, for a couple of years anyway, extracted such heart-warming activity from him.
Cuando pasó llevaban seis semanas legalmente casados, y él, que, en el fondo, tal vez fuera un caballero, se resignó a su amor. Es un hombre de mediana estatura, ancho de hombros, pelo negro como de indio, liso y áspero al tacto, ojos azulinos. Fe está siempre dispuesta a decirse, y a decirle a todo el que lo quiera saber, que amaba a Ricardo. Lo cierto es que empezó a amarse a sí misma, a amar lo que en ella, durante un par de años, provocaba en Ricardo actividades tan reconfortantes.
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