Übersetzung für "head aches" auf spanisch
His head ached unbearably.
El dolor de cabeza era insoportable.
His head ached terribly.
Sentía un terrible dolor de cabeza.
The heat is making my head ache.
Este calor me da dolor de cabeza.
The noise made his head ache.
El ruido le dio dolor de cabeza.
The movement made my head ache.
Al moverme, sentí dolor de cabeza.
    ”They must make your head ache!”
—¡Le van a ocasionar dolor de cabeza!
I sit up, my head aching.
Me incorporo con un leve dolor de cabeza.
He dropped on to the bed, his head aching.
Se tumbó en la cama con dolor de cabeza.
"Miss Potts, she is very good and clever, but she does not have the head-ache, as I do...'
La señorita Potts es muy buena e inteligente, pero no tiene jaquecas como yo…
He tried to slow the rate of his breathing, but that made his head ache worse and his vision doubled alarmingly.
Procuró reducir su ritmo respiratorio, pero esto le intensificó la jaqueca y su visión se duplicó peligrosamente.
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