Übersetzung für "has jumped" auf spanisch
Has jumped
A man has jumped off the train.
Un hombre ha saltado del tren.
It has jumped higher!
¡Ha saltado más alto!
"A woman it has jumped of the bridge."
"Una mujer ha saltado del puente".
Jonathan has jumped the gun!
Jonathan ha saltado el arma!
Hitei Kan has jumped away, sir.
La Hitei Kan ha saltado, Señor.
Repeat, a man has jumped off.
- Repito: Un hombre ha saltado.
Obviously this act has jumped the track.
Obviamente este acto ha saltado la pista.
Astral Queen has jumped away.
La Astral Queen ha saltado
Look! One has jumped off a window!
¡Alguien ha saltado por la ventana!
The propellers aren't working and the rudder has jumped!
—¡Las hélices no funcionan y ha saltado el timón!
But even the first to quail and jump has jumped.
Pero hasta el primero en flaquear y en saltar ha saltado.
The Grysk ship has jumped to lightspeed.
La nave grysk ha saltado a la velocidad de la luz.
A woman has jumped overboard with the Emperor in her arms.
—¡Una mujer ha saltado por la borda con el Emperador en sus brazos!
The car has jumped the railing but is frozen in the air.
El coche ha saltado el quitamiedos pero se ha quedado congelado en el aire.
Because your employer and close friend, Albert Whitehead, has jumped ship.
–Porque su empleado e íntimo amigo, Albert Whitehead, ha saltado del barco.
When Sergeant Hendricks reports that the last man has jumped, ease the throttles to two hundred knots.
Cuando el sargento Hendricks informe de que ha saltado el último hombre, recupera los doscientos nudos.
In Book V, Ulysses has jumped overboard to escape the wave Poseidon has sent to destroy him.
En el Canto V, Ulises ha saltado por la borda para escapar de la ola que Poseidón ha enviado para destruirlo.
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