Übersetzung für "has accomplished" auf spanisch
Has accomplished
Mae-Hyang has accomplished something already.
Mae-Hyang ya ha logrado algo.
has accomplished a series of tonal mechanics.
"ha logrado una buena mecánica tonal."
I deeply respect what he has accomplished.
Respeto profundamente lo que él ha logrado.
We will not destroy what the revolution has accomplished.
No destruiremos lo que ha logrado la revolución.
No other species has accomplished such actions.
Ninguna otra especie ha logrado tales cosas.
The Doctor has accomplished his purpose.
El Doctor ha logrado su objetivo.
Sister Annie has accomplished the impossible.
Hermana Annie ha logrado lo imposible.
Let's see what Dr. Frankenstein has accomplished then, shall we?
Veamos qué ha logrado el Dr. Frankenstein, ¿sí?
Every day, I'm awed by what humanity has accomplished.
Todos los días, me sobrecojo por lo que la humanidad ha logrado.
A scientist who cannot prove what he has accomplished has accomplished nothing.
Un científico que no puede demostrar lo que ha logrado, no ha logrado nada.
Everything he has accomplished has been made possible only by what Portia has given him.
Todo lo que ha logrado ha sido posible solo gracias a lo que Portia le ha concedido.
After all, poetry has accomplished something when it causes a man like the Major to mull over it for a while.
Después de todo, la poesía ha logrado algo cuando consigue que un hombre como el mayor se ocupe de ella.
Thinking he has accomplished his goal, he returns to the kitchen and the volume goes up again.
Convencido de que ha logrado su objetivo, regresa a la cocina y sube de nuevo el volumen.
“Over twenty-five years, Gaviotas has accomplished much, but we need so much more.”
A lo largo de veinticinco años, Gaviotas ha logrado muchísimas cosas, pero nos hacen falta muchas más todavía.
But Elya, by sentimental repetition and by formulas if you like, partly by propaganda, has accomplished something good. Brought himself through.
Pero Elya, a fuerza de repetición sentimental o, si lo prefieres, de fórmulas, y en parte a causa de la propaganda, ha logrado algo bueno.
Some ask for numbers, for proof, for some way that you here in the safety of Carthage can understand what Hannibal's army has accomplished in your name.
Algunos preguntáis las cifras, pedís pruebas, alguna manera de comprender, desde la seguridad de Cartago, lo que ha logrado Aníbal en vuestro nombre.
“That man will tell you all of the great deeds he has accomplished in his life, how kind he is, how deserving, and how many people love and have faith in him.”
Ese hombre te contará todas las grandes hazañas que ha logrado en su vida, te dirá lo bueno que es, y cuánta gente le ama y tiene fe en él.
“And that is why we’ve gone to such extraordinary lengths to be sure that we have all the data we need to stop competitors as well as well-meaning, but naive, individuals like you from destroying all that Centillion has accomplished.”
Y por eso hemos llegado hasta extremos tan extraordinarios para estar seguros de que disponemos de toda la información necesaria para pararles los pies tanto a la competencia como a individuos con buenas intenciones pero ingenuos, como vosotros, en sus intentos por destruir todo lo que Centillion ha logrado.
You were in the position of the general who has planned a complicated battle against the enemy, finds that his very first sortie has accomplished his entire objective, but is powerless to stop his orders and preparation for the succeeding attacks.
Usted estaba en la posición del general que ha planeado una batalla complicada contra el enemigo, y advierte que a la primera salida ya ha logrado su objetivo, pero se encuentra impotente para detener sus órdenes y los preparativos para los ataques posteriores.
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