Übersetzung für "hair white" auf spanisch
# Black hair, white Strat, bled white, died black
♪ Negro el cabello, blanco de inicio, desangrado, murió negro
- Security forces are on high alert today after Islamic state terrorists told the United Kingdom to expect a doomsday attack that will eclipse the brutal Paris killings and turn children's hair white.
Las fuerzas de seguridad están en alerta máxima después que terroristas islámicos en el Reino Unido se espera un ataque del fin del mundo, que eclipsará a los brutales asesinatos en París y el turno de los niños de cabellos blancos.
Hair- white, grey, red, brown.
Cabello. Blanco, gris, rojo, castaño.
Look, I couldn't get the weed, but do you remember that stuff that turned my hair white?
Mira, no pude obtener la hierba, pero, ¿te acuerdas de esa cosa que volvió mi cabello blanco?
She have white shoes, white hair, white dress?
¿Tiene zapatos blancos, cabello blanco, vestido blanco?
"Do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black."
"No tome el juramento del tu cabeza, porque no se puede hacer un cabello blanco o negro."
That dream was what turned my hair white, Jean.
—Ese sueño es el que me ha vuelto el cabello, blanco, Juan.
An old woman, her hair white, her face creased.
Una anciana; cabello blanco, cara arrugada.
She thought it was seaweed, but as she looked she saw it was hair. White hair.
Le parecieron algas, pero al mirar vio que era cabello. Cabello blanco.
Fine tangled hair, white as a waterfall, came down almost to the small of her back.
Su hermoso y enmarañado cabello, blanco como una cascada, le caía casi hasta el extremo de la espalda.
The focus now was on an elderly man, his hair white in contrast to the lightweight black raincoat he was wearing.
Enfocaba a un hombre mayor cuyo cabello blanco contrastaba con el impermeable negro que llevaba puesto.
Matt, his hair white with plaster dust, bolted for the stairs, Kitty, with her mother, behind him.
Matt, con el cabello blanco por el revoque, salió precipitadamente hacia la escalera, seguido de Kitty y de Isabel.
She was short, with close-cropped white hair – white from age, not fashion – and looked carefully at him.
Era de escasa estatura y tenía el cabello blanco y rapado —blanco debido a la edad, no era cuestión de moda—, y lo miró con atención.
His large head was no longer crowned by his rich white hair, white with the corrupt splendors of ivory and cream.
Su gran cabeza ya no quedaba embellecida el recio cabello blanco, de un blanco con el decadente esplendor del marfil y la nata.
She sat on the throne, which dwarfed her. Her face was malignant, her eyes bright, and her sparse hair white.
Cuando se acomodó en el trono, se me antojó una enana de rostro inicuo, ojos centelleantes y ralos cabellos blancos.
His spirit knew that she saw him, his hair white as wool, his body washed white in blood, for what he was being driven to become.
Su espíritu sabía que ella lo veía, su cabello blanco como lana, su cuerpo lavado en sangre, aquello en que había tenido que convertirse.
Turned me hair white overnight.
Se me puso el pelo blanco de la noche a la mañana.
Things that would turn your hair white.
Se te quedaría el pelo blanco con las cosas que cuenta.
Her hair, white as a snowflake, was pulled into a soft knot.
Tenía el pelo, blanco como la nieve, recogido en un toto.
I’ve put up with enough to turn my hair white.
He sufrido ya lo bastante para tener el pelo blanco.
Her hair white at the sides, her head bald at the top.
Tenía el pelo blanco en los lados de la cabeza y estaba calva por arriba.
White hair, white shirt, like the driver of the kidnap van.
Pelo blanco, camisa blanca, como el conductor de la furgoneta de los secuestradores.
A slight woman in a black suit, her hair white, followed.
Una mujer delgada con traje negro y pelo blanco los seguía.
He was an old woman, his skin was wrinkled, his hair white as snow.
Era una anciana de piel arrugada y pelo blanco como la nieve.
His hair white and long, knotted with raspberry yarn at his neck.
Su pelo blanco y largo, anudado en la nuca con un cordón morado.
One of the women was well in the toils of time, her hair white and her skin flecked with rust marks.
Una de las mujeres había entrado ya en las fatigas del tiempo, con el pelo blanco y la piel con manchas de color herrumbre.
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